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Pretty quiet around here. Anybody been out?
I haven't, but hope to next week. Headed North this weekend, but should fish around here later next week.

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Quiet, and boring too! Something tells me we should have been out there today Scoot! Nice warm and stable, now it will probably
sh** on us next week. Oh, well good luck this weekend. I heard a twitter about "shallow water" bites on that big lake up North your going to visit. Ask that "older" guy at that resort you like up there, he is the one who knows.

P.S. - Did I leave my gas can in your truck on Sunday?

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Thanks for the shallow bite tip- I hope to check it out.

No gas can. We decided to leave it behind because we'd have enough gas. I don't think it ever made it to my vehicle. Hope you find it.
Enjoy your warm weather this weekend.

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