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I am new to the area and was wondering if there are any good spots to fish on the Red River near Fargo for some walleye. Also wondering if it is safe to go out, I hear a snowmobile went through.

Thank you

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Stay clear of the dams or bridges while on the ice, high risk areas for sure. Also watch out for necked down areas where the increased flow will not allow for safe ice to form, poor fishing there anyway.

Deeper sharp bends where you can find slacker water is what you need to scout for to locate active fish. Lots of bends on the Red River, thats for sure.

If you would wish to book a trip to gain a crash course on ice-fishing the Red drop me a email. You will learn more in one day then all winter searching for tips on the web.

That I guarantee!

Good luck!



[email protected]


[This message has been edited by Backwater Eddy (edited 02-05-2003).]

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A quick plug regarding Backwater Eddy's offer on the guiding on the Red. If you're interested in getting out river fishing locally on the rivers, he's definitely the man to call. It's the best way you can get good information and learn safe river practices in a short time. Like he said, you'll definitely learn more in one day with him than you will by yourself in a whole winter. Well worth it! A little money up front will save you a huge amount of time, effort, and fishless nights in the end.
Ed is the guy who the other guides refer people to in the winter- he's the man!!!

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I knew that plug for "Rods by Engal" would pay off Eh!


Scoot is laying it on a bit thick, but I think I can help ya.


[This message has been edited by Backwater Eddy (edited 02-05-2003).]

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SteveO, can't help much with locations in the FM area as I fish north of you, but maybe try to find deep slacker water within a couple miles downstream of the northernmost dam. Try near mouths of some of the tributaries also. You might be able to get some locational tips from the tackle shops down there, or take a drive on a weekend day and look around to see where others are fishing? Lures that work for me are Bladebaits like Heddon Sonars, Whistler jigs and regular roundhead type jigs, tip them with a minnow and get after it, move if your not getting bit, and have confidence the whole time you're out there! Your gonna love fishing the Red come summertime, there's like 80 or so species of fish in there and you never know what you may catch!

Wish I could help you with some spots down your way, if you ever get up near GFKS or Drayton I'll share some with you. Take a weekend cruise and find some Fisherfolks out on the ice and go BS with them a little, you'll get some pointers from some folks, others don't want to be bothered. Approach the Red as you would other rivers of similiar size and you'll figure it out.

Good luck....Fisky

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UF-DA....80 species Eh?

WOW...That's about....Oh....30 +/- more then we found in the past ND G&F and MN DNR surveys.

I need to head North more I guess?


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Well I guess you did'nt find them all then eh! I guess I should'nt have said the Red river, I should have said there are 80 or so species documented thru the entire watershed. Something like 77 native species and 7 introduced species documented thru the entire Red river basin.

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I think you better re-check your facts on indigenous species of the Red River basin.

Unless you counting minnow and sub-darters species, it is less then 50 for game and non-game fish indigenous to the Red River basin drainage.

I am certain of that as I work with the fisheries crews and biologist in both MN and ND on the survey creels.

I am not trying to pull your chain, just a clarification.

Sorry if I stepped on your barbels Fiskyknut.


Any Hoooo...
Check the article I have on river tactics for the Red and it's tributaries, it may help.


Good fish'n Steve-O!

Be safe!


[This message has been edited by Backwater Eddy (edited 02-06-2003).]

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My facts ARE correct, and yes I included Minnows and Darters, 2 species of Lamprey's also. I'd guess these don't show up in your average creel survey very often, but would be included in a total of species present.

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