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I am looking for a supply of live healthy and flash frozen leopard frogs to be used for bait.

If you have a son or daughter or a heard of kids willing to make a few buck drop me a line.

I will also take frozen frogs but I have a particular method in which I wish them frozen, email me for details.

(No Toads need apply.)

[email protected]

Backwater Eddy..><,sUMo,>

Backwater Guiding
"Ed on the RED"

[email protected]


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The other day I was looking at some lake property on lake fifteen, and in one of the shallow weedy bays their must have been 50 or so frogs on the 50 ft of shore i walked. the water is shin deep with weeds at the top. the bottom is sandy, and it looked like you could walk the shore for at least a couple hundred yards. might be something to check out. with a butterfly net and a flow trol I would think you could fill up quickly. Plus you wouldnt have to wade in all that muck ponds have.

Hope this helps,

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[This message has been edited by fiskyknut (edited 06-27-2003).]

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Tiny popcorn frogs work, but I really want last years hatch. Larger last years hatch I would go 3 for a Buck. Last year a couple of kids manged a couple hundred bucks off om me easy!

If I can get plenty of them new hatch frogs resonable, like $2.50 a dozen for this years hatch I may take them? I will need new hatch mostly in September. I may be able to find them by then?

To freeze them stick a dozen or so in a large ziplock bag at a time full of air and set them in the freezer. They will curl up individually and not freeze in a mass. Then dump the frogs in a bag with only individually frozen frogs for transport.

By doing this they do not get all soft and mushy, they hold up much better. In my experence for cats the frozen work just as well as long as they are not caught too late in the season.

For fall walleye they need to be fresh, healthy, and lively to work the best.

Once the fields get harvested we may be able to find the old hatch frogs, and then again, maybe not? I need to be sure I have it covered, I am kinda fussy about bait.

Backwater Eddy..><,sUMo,>

Backwater Guiding
"Ed on the RED"

[email protected]


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I'm looking for frogs for a trip on the Red in the Drayton area in early September and will buy 100 from you if at all possible. I'm totaly catch and release so you don't have to worry about hurting the fishery. Just fattening up the beautiful Red River Catfish.

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Ya, Eh ya know I be interested in some frogs too eh!

Dan can you drop me a email at [email protected] with a number to contact you next week?

I am headed up on Monday and will be at Cats on the Red all week tell Sunday night. Look for a new white Ford 250 4 wheeler and a Viagra blue Tri-Hull with Vexilar and ***** decals on the side.

I look forwerd to meeting up with you while I am up your way.

Do you plan to fish the Cats Classic?


Backwater Eddy..><,sUMo,>

Backwater Guiding
"Ed on the RED"

[email protected]


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New pick m up Ed? Good Deal! Why white?...Wouldn't a Viagra blue 250 go well with the Viagra blue tri hull? Yikes_anim.gif

I'm not gonna make it to Cats on the Red this year...Oh well. Good Luck!



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Naaa....not mine, wish it was, it is my partners new truck.

I don't change enough as a guide to buy new trucks just yet.


Well maybe we will get up there yet this year Dark30? Still some great cat'n yet to go.

We did well here today on the Red. We C&R 4 sumo cats over 33" and one over 37" that was a sumo piggy, and a bunch of other eater cats went to the fillet knife. Happy clients make me happy too eh!



Backwater Eddy..><,sUMo,>

Backwater Guiding
"Ed on the RED"

[email protected]


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