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Sucker Minnows on the Red - How?

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Since there's nowhere to buy suckers in Fargo, I am forced to go over to Moorhead and get them. However, if I want to launch my boat at Convent landing, I can't legally bring the minnows into ND. Does anyone have a good workaround for this? I thought I could leave them on the bank on the MN side, and then pick them up in the boat after I've launched, but how would a warden know that's what I had done instead of just driving over the border with them? Not to mention it's a pain in the ass to do.

On second thought, really the only way a CO could pinch you on this would be if you got checked right at the access, either putting in or taking out, since all you would have to do to get around the issue would be what I outlined above.

Also, how would they know I didn't buy the bait somewhere in ND? Do you need a receipt or something?

This rule is a pain in the butt for the Red. I don't like it. Heck, I can't legally even go to some of my good froggin' spots anymore unless I jump through some hoops to get them in the boat.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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As long as you have a receipt from the dealer you can have bait suckers from MN.

You need a dated sales recipt in your possesion with the bait to be legal. Do not exceed the amount of bait that you can legaly carry as a angler without a commercial bait dealers liscence.

Get your bait at D&H and you can transport it with the receipt. The law is set to controle non liscenced bait venders more than it is to bug fisherman.

If you do not trust my word for this ask them at D&H.

Not so sure why you want to use suckers now, but good luck? You may wish to carry some other bait options with as well, something stronger (HINT).

Cats are into the spawn from the headwaters up at least to North of Fargo a ways, this will progress quickly down the Red. Some areas may be comeing out of the spawn now to the South?

Backwater Eddy..><,sUMo,>

Backwater Guiding
"Ed on the RED"

[email protected]


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Do I still need a receipt even if I bought the bait in ND? If not, then how does a CO know the origin of the bait to begin with? And what about frogs that I've caught myself in MN? Can I bring them over, especially since there would be no reciept?

I'm not using sucker now, but I will be in July/August, when I've had good luck with them in the past. Just thought I'd post this since it was bugging me.

Also, a buddy of mine in Grand Forks was at the catfish league meeting with the ND game & fish commissioner the other day, and he asked the same question I did, and he was told that he CANNOT bring any suckers across the river that he bought in EGF, so I don't know who to believe.

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Ya...ah-huh.....ND & MN are at it again I think?

My best advice is to have bait receipts from both states handy....just in case...(nuff said)...get my drift?

Next we will have to have experation dates on the bait huh?

The frogs deal? MMMMM....not sure on that one now.....gota ask a few folks in the know on that one too? I use a lot of happy hoppers and that could be a issue for me in days to come, don't need a ticket on that deal too eh?

I will get a "NEW" reading from the DNR & the NDG&F on this and post it when I do.

Good topic, keep us posted on what you see and hear on this ok?

Backwater Eddy..><,sUMo,>

Backwater Guiding
"Ed on the RED"

[email protected]


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Here is the FACT, I was just at a meeting with Terry Steinwand the Director of the ND Game and Fish and Henry Drewes Regional Supervisor for the MN DNR. If you buy your bait in a MN store you have to put your boat in on the MN side. If you buy your bait in ND then you have to put your boat in on the ND side. Both States have this law and it is the Law PERIOD. Sorry

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ok.....and if you catch your own bait...then what, ya jump from a bridge dead center or what?


It's a good thing I seldome need to buy bait the way it sounds eh.


[This message has been edited by Backwater Eddy (edited 06-24-2002).]

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OK, this is what I got from the NDG&F today on baits on the Red River system.


There are two sets of laws to be addressed.

ND does not permit the importation of any live bait - if you buy suckers, fatheads or leeches at Cabalas in E GF (East Grand Forks), you can not bring them into our state.

MN does not permit the importation of live minnows and leeches - if you buy suckers, fatheads or leeches at Scheels in GF, you cannot bring them into MN.

If the bait is dead, there is not the problem on importation as live bait and transfer of water is the key points, bring dead suckers or other baits across the MN-ND boarder is not a problem.

If you are fishing on the river, live baits can be used.

The agreement with MN is that a MN or ND fishing license can be used on the river, bank to bank, but not up the tributaries.

ND fishing up the Red Lake River with only a ND fishing license or a MN fishing up the Sheyenne River with only a MN licenses.

The rules are fairly simple and the more a person looks the more complicated they become.


I am waiting on clarification on frogs yet, will post it when I get that info as well.

Backwater Eddy..><,sUMo,>

Backwater Guiding
"Ed on the RED"

[email protected]


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Frogs are to be treated in the same way is the word I got.


Now I guess I need to get tiny frog state ID tags, I guess?

Just In case they get carded?


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