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I think I'm headed down to the north dam today at about 5:00. Any chance you can join me? I'll be on the Moorhead side- hope to see you there.

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Did you gentlemen catch anything? I hope I'm not stepping on any toes by asking. I'm new to the river fishing and hope to learn. Imyself plan on going to the red around noon wed for some casting.
Go chiefs!!

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I struggled too. My bro, a buddy of mine, and I went down and didn't catch one fish. We didn't see one caught either. Hopefully with the decent weather that's forecasted it'll help get things going.


With a name like that how could we refuse to give you a report! The weather today doesn't look too condusive to you catching much today. I'd wait for nicer weather. However, I guarentee that you won't catch anything in your living room, so if you're bored maybe give it a shot. It'll definitely get better as the weather warms and we get some sun.

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Hello to all,..
Larry here, I joined the club a few weeks ago and have been listening in. I can tell alot of you are very dedicated and educated in the sport. Thats a good thing..
I`m a shore line fisherman who just likes to see what I can catch. I spend as much time in the outdoors as possible and make fishing one of my first choices. Altho backpacking and camping is the first choice I never do either without a rod and real.
Anyway I was driving around the Ottertail Lake area and ended up crossing the Red River Lake on RT. 3. The ice was off just west of the bridge and east about 300 yards. So I had to give it a try. I bumped a white jig very slowly on the bottom. Gave it a good 1/2 hour or so with no luck. 35 degrees and rainy and not really dressed for windy shoreline fishing or I`d still be there. It felt good to swing the rod around for a while. They say 53 and sunny tomorrow so maybe I`ll try again. Has anyone fished that area of the Red River Lake? My favorite fish to catch are crappies will I have any luck there for them?
Good luck to all this year.
Just One More Cast...Larry

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I can't help you with that one- I don't know a thing about it.


a couple of buddies of mine are coming to town this weekend and want to fish the Red. Things have been really slow in town so far, but with the nice weather forecasted it might be worth sticking around here. Any suggestions? I know of a likely spot below where you and I last met that might be holding fish that are staging to move up towards the dam. Also, with the sun and warmth they're forecasting maybe the dam might be a good place to try.
What I'm asking is this- would you suggest sticking around here in Fargo, or would you suggest heading South to the Wahpeton area? If south, where would you suggest?

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Scoot......looks much better today....SD & MTD were on for nice walleye.

Most are in the toss back size, 19" - 24".


Shallow Rattling Suspending Roughs, ornge bellies, blue speckles and/or silver blue ornge bellie.

Nota/zip..on jigs...all on cranks.....odd but true.

They look preaty hungy but very healthy. Femails are green yet, longs ways to go before spawn, especially if the weather gets cool again. If it stays warm it will speed things up.

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Figures! I was at the ND tonight and didn't do crap. I also went to the rock pile below the VA and didn't do crap either. I didn't catch a fish or have a bite! I'll have to try elsewhere as you suggested.

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Has anyone launched a boat in the Red yet....specifically North Moorhead access? I am heading out to the Red this afternoon in my boat to search for some eyes. I figure the banks are nice and gooey, and I can move around a lot easier in a boat and stay clean!

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I fished the ND and the SD tonight. Nothing doing at the ND so I moved. Finally caught one 19" eye on a crank (thanks Ed). Saw one fish caught on the other side of the river.
Ed, was that you on the other side of the river? It looked like you, but I couldn't make out the person well enough to tell for sure.

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I was scouting fer puddy tat's above where you were in the boat.

I tuned up the Ol-Eyagra and was running the Red from the Rosewood creek to Hickson.

Nice day, found a few big groups of cats hanging tight to piggy holes to the South. Tried to jig em up and just caught mostly suager instead. Maybe I should have used sauger for bait? Tee--Heee just kidding!


Scoot the H-Dam area is hot over the past few days.


There were some meat hogs at the Hickson Dam yesterday,they will be getting a call from the new CO soon, maybe at home, ring-ring your busted. Vidio is a wonderfull thing for evidence. They use vidio well to make things stick.

We have a new MN DNR CO, and a new ND G&F warden in the region. They are seriously pattroling the Red and the tribs this season so be fore warned folks, stick to the regs.

They are also dishing out $90 and up fines for littering this season. Pack it in and out, or pay.

Remember the possesion limit is the same as the daily creel, so just because a warden didn't site you on the spot does not mean he will not show up with a warent at your home to check your freezer.

Scoot that was not directed at you by the way, just thought I would toss that info out and if the meat hogs read it maybe they will listen.

If they don't........ well..... I warned them didn't I?

Backwater Eddy..><,sUMo,>

Backwater Guiding
"Ed on the RED"
[email protected]

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I don't like to start in on the littering thing, because it seems like preaching to the choir when people write stuff here. I did pack out a net-full of garbage yesterday at the North Dam. Man it ticks me off when a few people screw it up for the rest of us. For some reason people seem to be especially bad on the river.
The Red just doesn't get the respect it deserves. I'm pretty ok with that though. The fewer people who think it's a good place to fish, the more room there is for those of us who want to tap it's resources. A guy at Scheels told me yesterday that a 9.5 lb. fish was taken at the North Dam. He said "that's a really huge fish for the Red." I was just thinking, "where exactly isn't that a heck of a nice fish?" Oh-well, I'll let him to continue to think it's not such a great place to fish and I won't have to worry about fighting him for a spot with a boat or on shore.

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Ya litter slobs.......I hear ya!

You and I both know Scoot that a 9.5 is not big for the Red. A 19.5 is a big Red River walleye! Some day my friend, she will be mine!


I released 2 walleye over 28" today and a pike that was 35 & another that was a sumo 37".

Should be a interesting 2 weeks ahead of us.

Backwater Eddy..><,sUMo,>

Backwater Guiding
"Ed on the RED"
[email protected]

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Was that you tonight with the big pike on MN side.
NICE FISH.......really thought it was awesome the way you carefully released it. i can't give enough praise for guys like you, that turn them "biggen" back. I thought you might go swimm'en went it got behind you. I'd ask what you were using, but that may be a trade secret!!
I did catch a 21". some people call that small and turn their nose up. But hey, it was on my 9/10 fly rod. I'm hoping to add 10" to my next pike.
Again, NICE FISH !! Thumbs up on the release!! Hope to watch you and your 19.5lb
fight it out soon.

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I can't figure out how you guys are catching the pike and walleyes. I've gone out a couple of times this weekend and didn't get a bite. Used bright yellowish rapalas and slip floats with minnows at the N dam. I also threw some spoons and spinnerbaits for any northerns in the area along the shore and no luck. Any tips would be nice cause am desperate.

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You've seen enough info. in the past three weeks to get you started. I don't know what to tell you other than be patient. I fished for 6-7 hours between Thurs and Fri. and caught only one fish- so don't feel bad. As Ed said a couple of posts ago, the next two weeks should be interesting. Make sure you don't get discouraged and keep at it- the odds will catch up with you and you'll get into 'em one of these nights. Jigs, slip rigs (with a straight hook or a floater), and cranks will be the ticket.
If you're starting to wonder about the other reports on this page as to whether or not they are accurate- they are. At least the couple of people I know who are reporting are giving accurate info. So don't get discouraged- there are bigguns' out there. You just have to keep putting in your time and stay patient.
As for me- I'll do the same. I will also try to focus on the times when the sun is out and it's warm over the next few weeks(hint hint).

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Ya that was me St. Mark.

I had a couple of nice fish in a hour or so. One 28" walleye and the big pike you seen me slip back, plus a few others.

So that was you with the fly rod? I need to get into the fly rod thing. May come in handy for catching bait for piggy cats.

I know a old Check gentlmen who has caught a bunch of walleye on a fly rod on the Red River. Shiner imitation steamers was his trick I think?

I was on the Wahpeton Red today. I suspect the walleye are starting the spawn there. Tough bite and if the big ones do, it may be at night.

We should have a week of good walleye fishing in the Fargo region before they start to spawn here. The water is warming very fast!

Catch you on the Red some time St Mark.


Backwater Eddy..><,sUMo,>

Backwater Guiding
"Ed on the RED"
[email protected]

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Yes sir Ed. That's me!! the big dummy with the fly rod. I've caught a couple of okay pike on the fly, hopeing to to better. I fished tue morn and no bites. saw a guy catch a couple of ruff fish over on elm st. I'll be flyfishing one more time before I skip town for turkey hunting down south. Hope to catch on the river. StM

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Scoot, playing any v-ball lately? Sounds like you have been fishing quite a bit. Cal and I are fishing Rainy River for opener, you should join us?

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Nope, no volleyball for me. I've become old and fat- my verticle is down to about 3 inches. How about you?
I'd love to join you on the Rainy for the opener, but I can't. I have a wedding that I'm in on opening day. "Who the hell gets married on the fishing opener?", you ask. I know- but there's nothing that I can do about it. However, it should be a fun wedding and I'm looking forward to it. It would be nice if it wasn't on the opener though.
We keep planning on fishing together- let's actually do it some time this summer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only an OX would get married on opening fishing.

I'm leaving for Big Stone in about an hour. Should be nice. Rain/sleet/snow 10-20-mph winds and 35 degrees. Nice conditions. I'll give you a report, Scoot, if there's anything to cry about.

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    • Rivergroup
      Heading up to LV a week from today with the kids. Any advice for us? Staying on the West side but open to traveling if the weather permits.   The way the last few weeks have gone, might stay for good!!!
    • leech~~
      Do have Wi-Fi in your house. Your going to need that to work with any of the cameras that send a signal and video to your phone.  Hardwire is the best but battery power workers well for about two months then you have to pull them and recharge them.  It is nice to sit on a beach in Key West and keep an eye on your house when gone! 👌
    • smurfy
      SO.......you dont think the BEWARE OF WIFE sign is sufficient???? 😂😄   seriously.......i'm no help!!!!
    • Dash 1
      With all the craziness in the world I’m looking at getting an outdoor security camera setup for my home. Anyone have ideas on what works well without a huge cost  and easy to do . Or is it better to go with a company to set it up.  We have recently had copper thefts in the area at farmers fields and bin sites and I know it will only gat worse as these things always do. I probably want something that hooks up to my phone as well and wondering if there is a good one with either battery life or if wired is better. Any thoughts are welcome. 
    • SkunkedAgain
      Aren't they the ones that ran into problems about illegal bait? Anyone know how that turned out?
    • chaffmj
      You launch on Moose Lake to get to the motorized portage. It's called Prairie portage. To get to the portage you put in at Moose Lake. From Moose you go into Newfound Lake. From Newfound you go into Sucker Lake. On Sucker is where Prairie portage is. There is a dock on the American side and on the Canadian side there is big sign welcoming you to Canada. Latourell's Resort runs the portage and the cost for the portage is $40 for a round trip.
    • mulefarm
      Will that blond haired kid have that cool little orange boat in the show this weekend? Saw him driving around by Muskego Point a few times this summer.
    • smurfy
      Hey  stranger!!👌
    • delcecchi
      Nope, there are parts of Basswood that allow motors.   Entry is from Fall Lake, and there is (I think) a motorized portage.   It is really popular in the spring...
    • smurfy
      had that happen last year on a lake. doing pretty good with sunfish till momma 2 youngins showed up........we moved!!!!🥴 
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