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Happy Thanksgiving all!

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I hope all you piggy hunters are well and fit to belly up to the turkey today with friends and family. We Americans can be thankful for many things as we live in a land of plenty.

Enjoy the holiday and say a prayer for our men and women in service to our country, and for all in need who are less fortunate in these trying times we all live in.

God Bless.

Backwater Eddy....><,Gobble~~Gobble,>

"Backwater Eddy"
Backwater Guiding Service
10409 Co. Rd #17 S.
Horace, ND. 58047

[email protected]


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Happy Turkey-Day to all (one day late). Dittos on the wish to the guys and gals who fight for something bigger than any of us.
Ed, the offer still stands if you'd like to get out and smack some honkers. I've had pretty good luck lately.
Any recent word from the Red around here?

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Eh Scoot, would be fun doing the feather bag hunt deal but I am not set up for it this season, but thanks for the offer man.

The Red has been good for some and not so good for me, slow most days recently. If you slip jig the most likely areas they would hold walleye during the day you will find a few good fish, some piggys too.

If the weather holds I hope to get out again this afternoon and see if they are willing to play mouth the jigs. Cranks have been dead the past week for me. Jigs and floating rigs have produced the best on average tipped with big fathead minnows. White appears to be the best jig color followed by orange.

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