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New Walleye and Catfish Articles

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I've just published another 7 articles on Walleye and Cat fishing on the Red River of the north -- Canada (From Lockport to North of Selkirk). For those interested, the link given below will get you to my main page
from which you can choose "articles". I plan on putting up another 10 articles shortly (Walleye and Northern Adventures- A Trilogy).
I hope everyone has a great fall season. Maybe we'll even see some of you folks up on the Red (or Winnipeg river) for the greenback run ----when the water goes below 60f
Tight lines. Dan
http:// www.geocities.com/dkiazyk2000
[email protected]

Dan Kiazyk
Cat Eye Outfitter
[email protected]

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If you have a web site and have some room for a banner from the Red Cross....here's the code you can use to put a banner on your site to help out those folks in New York and Washington.

<div align=center>
<a href=" http://www.coffeecup.com/attack/donate/
<img src=" http://www.coffeecup.com/wtc_support1.gif
width="468" height="60" border="1" alt="Donate"></a><br>

It is a banner that was sent to me from a software service but its purpose is CLEAR: Let's help those people bereaved and suffering because of the cowardly act we all saw last Tuesday. My prayers go out to those affected and to all Americans: Hold your heads high, you are great people and a great nation!

Dan Kiazyk
Cat Eye Outfitter
[email protected]

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