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Weekend report.....night mayflies and fish!

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I am new to the whole catfishing thing. A friend drove a long ways this weekend to experience the Red's finest. I do believe the water level is really low as we really had to work to load/unload a hefty canoe at the Moorhead launch. The water levels drop dramatically every day.
Fishing was slow during the day, but at night it was great. The mayflies were the most interesting part of the trip as our boat completely filled up with dead mayflies. At the end of our night trip there was 1" of dead mayflies on our cooler! I have never seen anything like that. We also had to clean the boat with the hose, and all of our gear, for over an hour when we got home. What a long day and night!

Is it common to have mayfly hatches this extreme? The shorelines were literally white from dead bugs! Also do hatches on the river effect the cats and their appetites?

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Hi CD,

Welcome to the world of cattin! One problem, It's addictive. I grew up here and love it.

I fish the banks and have fair luck. You can learn a lot from the catters on this board and they're such great people. They'll share their knowledge except mebe tourney time. Even then they'll do their best but some secrets are kept. That's how they win.

As far as the Mayflies, it's terrible. At least they don't bite, huh?

I don't know your knowledge of the dams here but canoeing in this area can be fatal unless you know the layout. Please be careful. I pulled one out at the No. Dam.

2 brothers shot the dam with a canoe. One got to shore and the other one drowned in the undertow with a lifejacket on. That was in the 70s.

So how was your cattin experience other then a blanket of mayflies? Those piggies can fight, can't they? No injuries, I hope!

Dang, that hurts when spiked by those cats.

I have heard rubbing the belly slime on the wound helps but not me. I'll grin and bear it.

Did you and your friend have a good time cattin? You mentioned Red's finest. They're in there and very tasty but I eat the bambies. The biggies go back.

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I have lived in Moorhead for over 3 years and I never really had a "taste" for rivers. I had tried it a handful of times and never had much success. My friend is a catfish guru on the Minnesota River and he taught me a lot about cats and it is addicting! We had a blast.
We couldn't launch my big boat with the low water levels, so he brought up his canoe/duck boat unit w/ 5hp motor. What a great unit! We fished in style for 2 full days. This boat was perfect for the conditions and was sturdy and safe....and yes, I know all about the dangers of rivers and all the dams!
The largest fish that we caught was 12lbs on the digital scale. All fish CPR'd. We just like to catch them, and they are fun. My friend catches 40lbers in the Minnesota, so it wasn't a huge deal for him, but still really fun (especially in the dark with mayflies bombarding us when the light turned on). I'm hooked on the river, but now I need a small boat so I can get out to some of our hot spots we found.

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Welcome, sounds like your friend hooks into some flats down South. I haven't had that priviledge yet.

I live in Mhd but a 20 lbr. screwed up my left arm rotator so am lame for a short. It was worth every minute.

I live on the river so can let you know the situation.

Ed is the guru here and he should be around.

Good Cattin

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