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Catfish in the Fargo area are biting in a big way! My son, Jason, fished from shore this morning at sunrise from our back yard north of Johnson Park and had trouble keeping tro rods going because of the fast bite. The fish were of a nice size too, with his largest at 22.6 pounds.They were all released after a couple of quick photos. We'll be back on the river tonight!

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Hay My friend Dr.D good fishing EH!

Long way down the bank now too huh? This week and the next few weeks should be very good!

The Parks folks should have the landings in shape today so we can get in without doing a mud run first, that will be nice.

I will be in Canada for a few days but you and Jason keep feeding them piggy's to keep them in shape.

Please Ask Jason to scout walleye this weekend for next week, think walleye very early and late I suspect. Jason & I have a guide gig together on the 24th, 25th and the early half of the 26th for cats and walleye. Group of 4, we split it 2 by 2 is the plan.

Thank's Dr. D..........><,,>

Ed Carlson
Backwater Guiding
10409 Co. Rd S
Horace ND, 58047


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Jason will be ready when you get back. I stopped at Johnson Park today at about 1:00 PM and they had a backhoe cleaning the boat ramps, so they should be in good shape again.
The best fishing of the year starts now!

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