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Is it just me or is it HOT? **** I miss -10!

With a low temp of 80 last night we are in for it again today, crotch pot cooking again, WOOO-Weee Son its gonna be a HOT bugger today!

So the heat is on and night fishing is definitely a option, a productive and comfortable one at that through out these dog days and into early fall. Prep work for the fall walleye hunt, good practice really.

Recent days have produce fewer big cats but into the evening and night they seem to be eager to cooperate. Bugs have been remarkably kind this season despite the abundance of rain skeeters are still manageable, good deal too Eh.

I personally love night fishing, brings out the predator in me. Seek & go find, find and go eat, eat & be happy! At night everyone is hungry or food, I prefer to be hungry & not the food.

No I don't have heat stroke folks. I just wanted to open a forum on night fishing and see where it go's. Questions and/or tip's feel free to share them so we all can be less hungry and less food for the skeeters.

Ya just got's to love that big old full moon up in the August sky!

Backwater Eddy.......><,,>

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You betcha!
Its too hot to play during the day, but when the sun goes down, i go down to the river.
Did very well last night. Took that buddy of mine from WA down to one of my favorite holes and showed him how a catfish fights. He now has great respect for those wiskered fish! That was one impressed boy! We started around 8:00 and were useing frogs until i got a gold eye and cut him up. 5 min later a 19 pounder!!! Alot in the 2-5 lb range and one more at 15 lbs.
I figured he would want to have a meal but he passed and let them all go. At 11:30 we called it a night and headed home. He has some nice photos and good memories to take back home with him. I think i just recruited another cat fisherman.
Frogs and gold eye seem to be the only thing that has been working for me with the basic bottom rig. Have been using those circle hooks and im real pleased with them, have been hooking most in the corner of the mouth and i do pinch the barbs to make it easier to remove the hooks. I do recomend that everyone pinch the barbs, for two reasons. 1. removing a hook from a fish is less fristraiting and less stress on the fish. 2. easier to remove from you or anyone else who gets hooked. saves a trip tho the doctors and can keep fishing
Tight lines to all.

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i started using the circes last year and absolutely love them. any chance i can i use the circle over other types.

as long as we are on night fishing... what time to them there skeeters start feeding?


Say what you mean and Mean what you say.
You've got to think like a fish no matter how wierd it gets...Storm Fishing Lures Ad

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Those skeeters become unbearable at sundown. Absolutely lift you away no matter how much spray you have on.

And yes these last couple days of sever heat have taken their tole on me and the fish. When the cooler weather apears i will be welcoming it with open arms and tight lines.

Have a great Monday everyone, if there is such a thing smile.gif


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i will most definitely welcome the cooler weather with open arms as well.
i lost track of how much water, gatorade, powerade, and all sport i have consumed in the last few days. i would guess enough to float a boat.
*dreaming of cooler weather*

Say what you mean and Mean what you say.
You've got to think like a fish no matter how wierd it gets...Storm Fishing Lures Ad

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I do the night shift quite a few times during the summer.. I am of the opinion that the night bite on some occasions is the best possible for this the hottest period of the summer. I would, however, want to throw out a huge caution to those who plan to do it with regularity.....

Your boat has to be really organized. A flashlight (and sometimes a spotlight) is a necessity (know where your stuff is before the lights go out!). PFD's and nav lights need to work -- especially if other people are moving on the river. A cell phone is a good safety option.

I like to have a special place for my tackle so that it is easy to access. Your net and de -hooking tools have to be out of the way and again easy to get at. A blacklight and fluorescent line is a really cool innovation. I allows you to see what's happening to your line and it makes it easy to see where the line is when your netting. If you don't have the prior a spotlight works just as well. Having your camera properly adjusted is of importance (if you want to snap a photo of that piggy!) as a camera has a hard time to focus in the dark. Practice using your camera at night to get an idea of how to get that special photo.

When travelling a lot at night you can be sure that you'll have a few "bumps in the night" ( I have three wrecked props to attest to this this year!). Travel in the channel and not in slack water. You'll probably still hit stuff but it won't be that often. High water after a rain seems to put more stuff into the river so you can expect to hit more stuff when the water rises due to rain.
Finally travel a lot slower at night... you don't have as much time to react to something that has to be avoided. Bugs can also be out in abundance. A pair of clear saftey glasses can really help to keeps the bugs out of your eyes (and keeping your mouth shut really helps too!)

Have fun but use some common sense. This is truly a unique part of cattin' in my opinion.

[This message has been edited by dkiazyk (edited 08-06-2001).]

[This message has been edited by dkiazyk (edited 08-06-2001).]

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nice tips dkiazyk.
even for me who does not have a boat. they make perfect sense.

Say what you mean and Mean what you say.
You've got to think like a fish no matter how wierd it gets...Storm Fishing Lures Ad

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