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I'm heading up to Lockport in a while and I'd like to know if anyone has brought frozen frogs over the border. It is legal, correct? It is illegal to bring live frogs over, correct?
Once the frogs are frozen to they get bad if you let them thaw? Can I keep them frozen in a cooler, take them out and put them straight onto my hook?
Anyone have better options? I don't want to buy them up there (expensive), and we've had hit and miss luck catching them up north.

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Pack them on ice a hour before you get to the border, they go asleep & appear dead. Then after you pass the check remove the ice, they wake up, most of them anyway do, some croak.

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The best way is to hire some kid's to get them. Most bait shops do just that, hire kid's. Loose the middle man and save big!

If you buy them at a shop you will be paying a high price for them. Or, if you can do it yourself, it is kinda fun and good exercise.

But get a net first, it will pay for itself fast!

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I'm with Ed on this one- don't waste your time without a net. I'm pretty young and quick still, but anyone with a net will outcatch frogs 10 to 1 if I don't have mine with. Any decent butterfly net will work.

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I just haven't seen as many frogs around this year. Does anyone have any tips on good places to look for them? Bruce

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about the only place i have seen them around me is at home of economy in GF. i have not looked yet for them. last year they cost .35 each or 3 for a buck.
that was when they had them. they usually were out of them.
i have only seen a handfull of them so far this year. when i start seeing more then i am gonna go get me some.

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I went out in search of frogs tonight and didnt have much luck. I went to and around Fishers landing which is the rest area between East Grand Forks and Fisher, MN. Which inlies The Grand Marah, or otherwise known as frog haven.Last year they were kinda hard to find also but its even worse this year. I circled the township roads where i found frogs in the previous years but only found 1. I took that frog down to the red to atempt for another goldeye and had no luck but i didnt have alot of time to play with it. I was using a light action pole with 6lb test, got tired of waiting for a goldeye and decided to take the bobber off and see if the cats were interested in frogs yet. Well it took at the very most 5 mins and a cat was on. Ended up being a 5-6 pounder so if you can find the frogs your in for a fun wrestling match. Later,

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Hey guys.... I'm pretty sure about this one but live frogs cannot be imported and I'm not too sure how they'll treat hibernating frogs! However, if you've crossed over the line before with chilled froggies I guess you'll be able to do it again!. As for catching frogs up here at the moment you won't have to many problems. If you have a bit of time (maybe part of a morning) you should be able to pick up a few dozen with little or no problem --- the floodway at its exit (other side of the spillway) is pretty good in the morning or travelling north on the river there are a lot of good areas where they can be caught! Goldeye are still available in abundance if you put in the time --- and I take it you're cattin!

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We have caught a lot of frogs on the floodway this time of year. East of town and near the beltway were good for frogs too.

Scoot you can bring frozen suckers up and if I was you I would too! I know big Jim Moyer was bringing 12 dozen frozen cut suckers up in vac-U-packs. The sucker is an acceptable bait with no hassle at the border. Goldeye is restricted to a daily limit in MB and you then already need to posses a MB license to carry it in. Sucker is as hot of bait as anything if they want cuts Scoot.

A tub of Scrimp flavor Junnie's Cattracker or some Magic additive in scrimp or shad flavor wouldn't hurt too, Eh! (HINT)

(Eh-Scoot, Say Eh when you headed up there Eh? I will be up there from the 15-18th of Aug. -EH- I will have the blue Lund tri-hule boot Eh. It has a Vexilar team logo on the side in black too Eh. Be towing it with a black blazer I think?)

[This message has been edited by Backwater Eddy (edited 07-31-2001).]

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What is the limit of goldeye in Manitoba? I was planning on bringing a bunch of them along next week when I head up there for catfishing. Does anyone have any ideas on how to go about catching some suckers for cutbait? I may have to bring frozen sucker instead of goldeye as Ed advised. Thanks for your help. Bruce

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Went out in search of frogs again around the area. This time i went to Kelly's Slough and found 6 in about an hour and a half which was between some heavy T-storms...Man are we getting pounded today!! Sat.TV is out with no signal and its simply pouring out. The river will be on the rise with this round of moisture cause the ground was already saturated. If your on the river catten, fish the Tribs and creeks where the food will be entering for the piggies.
Be safe and clean up what you can to help this already great fishery get even better.

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Thanks for the info guys. Maybe I'll bump into you while I'm up there, eh!

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Bruce: You are allowed to have 10 goldeye in your possession if you have a valid Manitoba license-- you need it to possess goldeye (egg or chicken dilemma!). I agree with Ed when he suggests that sucker will do just as well when it comes to cuts ---- and you can always try for some fresh goldeye when you get up! I find suckers to be a bit tougher to catch this time of year on the lakes and rivers I fish (Spring is usually best) but maybe you'll have more luck with them on your local lakes etc. My favorite rig is a "lindy" style rig loaded up with worms fished slowly --especially in proximity to moving water in the spring.

Dan Kiazyk
Cat Eye Outfitter
[email protected]

[This message has been edited by dkiazyk (edited 07-31-2001).]

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no kidding on the getting pounded here today. here in TRF we got just under 4 inches of rain today. sure was a sight to see with water everywhere.


Say what you mean and Mean what you say.
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The river is high up there now Eh? I just spoke with a friend who was there the past few days. He did about 20 a day on cut's & frogs.

I agree that suckers are tough to get now in comparison to spring.

Bruce you may be able to get big suckers from D&H in Dilworth? I know that someone ordered 12 dozen from then just recently.


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Does anyone know if either of the baits mentioned (cutbaitss and frogs) are outproducing the other. Last year we caught at least 5 to one on frogs over cutbait. In years past we've done better on cutbait.

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Yup Ed,

D+H is a pretty good bait shop. I went there a few times last year.

I noticed they had some huge frozen suckers in their freezer outside last year. I got frogs there and never did ask about those suckers.

They also had many different sizes of live suckers and minnows.

Good luck everyone


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I stopped at D & H tonight and bought out there last dozen suckers. They said they'd be getting more in a day or two. They also only had a half-dozen frogs left. Sounds like a bunch of people were buying catfish bait for the tourney in Grand Forks this weekend.

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Howdy Folks!

Home of Economy is out of frogs (I bought the last of them.) So I get them home and put them in my terrarium....and the big one starts EATING the little ones!

Anyway, frogs like crickets...BIG ones. Even the little frogs, when they aren't dodging the big frog, will eat big crickets. You get them at PETCO for about 2 dollars a dozen. The frogs will keep for a long time...unless one gets TOO big..

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i knew i should have stopped there last night while i was in town.
but i had other things on the agenda.
oh well.

Say what you mean and Mean what you say.
You've got to think like a fish no matter how wierd it gets...Storm Fishing Lures Ad

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Wow, i cant believe how high the water got! I wonder what the South landing looks like. I havnt even left the house today because of the extreme heat. I will be going out really early tomorrow morning to try and catch a little goldeye.

I bought a dozen frogs from Home of Economy just before you went in and the guy asked me if i wanted the big one, I said no but the strange thing is that i havnt went fishing yet and i only have 9 frogs left...hungry critters.


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We made our anual trip to Selkirk this past weekend. It was a tough one! The weather was tough- hot, hot, hot- the fishing was not. With the water so high and dirty we struggled more than most years to catch fish. Average fish was about 16 or 17 lbs with the biggest being 25. I caught 4 fish in three nights of fishing, but some did better than that. Several people in our crew caught close to 20 fish (I'm just lucky, I guess).
Had fun despite the oppressive weather and tough fishing.

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Scoot, some well known big cat guys were there too, it was a rough bite for most!

Did you look for any frogs up there, Or did you find any?

When the Red is very high up there it is a challenge to find large groups of piggy's. They seam to scatter? One day they are in 3' and the next 25', hard to pattern.

How was the ramps at the park?


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We did find frogs, but those Canadian frogs are a lot smarter than the ones down here (rumor has it that the same can't be said for the residents... just a joke, eh!) We saw lots of them, but only caught about 5-10% of the ones we saw- they'd get in the long grass 10 feet in front of us. We did manage to catch enough to fish with in the park.
We used Stu McKie's ramp at Cats on the Red (just below the dam), but I saw the ramp in the park and it look just fine- I wouldn't forsee any problems there. As we left on Sat at about 10:00 it looked like a doosy of a storm was about to hit- did it? Are you heading up there soon?

I asked dkiazyk this question and it sounded like the end of Sep. to the middle of Oct. was the best time to fish the Red for eyes up there. Ed, do you have experience with this? Would you agree? How about anyone else? I've heard if the water is really moving, don't waste your time- is that true?

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Timing is everything up there for the big greenback walleyes.

Several days of hard North wind helps to push the piggy's in the river from the big lake. Late September can be very good as is early October.

Call often, and check in here for word from dkiazyk and others who were or are on fish now.

Get several contacts up there and use the phone a lot!

It can be RED Hot, then dead cold in a snap, so fresh news is a great tool.


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