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I posted this before, but I don't think you saw it- it was hidden in another posting.
If you had to pick one date that would represent the typical time of year when the walleyes show up around Lockport, what would that date be? Is the date highly variable or can you make a pretty decent prediction? Also, if you had to pick a one week period to fish walleyes in the same area when would that week be (only including boat fishing)? Does that migration happen pretty much all at once or is it more gradual?
From what I've heard the preferred methods of fishing are live bait rigs, cranks, and jigs- any other common methods to throw in there?
Thanks for the info and help,

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I threw this one out to dkiazyk, but he hasn't seen it yet, and I'm not a patient guy. Can anyone offer some insight?

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I'll start in earnest around the second week in September (give or take a week on either side). Jigs and cranks are King but other approaches do work (bait is also significant and makes a difference:I have local sources who make extra large shiners available). I heard of a local from Netley who went up to the big lake/mouth of the Red last weekend and limited out on 'eyes (very dangerous out there as there are numerous sand bars and water can get up in a hurry and few people travel in the area at this time of year)! I'm still cattin' at a furious pace (--one of the best years in a while the ol' timers are saying--) and will only start to think of walleye at the end of this month. I'll also add that 'location' is everything for walleye in the section of the river you're mentioning --but you already know that!! Best time.... last weekend in September up until the 3rd week in October (after that the Winnipeg river takes over!)

[This message has been edited by dkiazyk (edited 07-31-2001).]

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I know that location is everything when fishing walleyes, but it sounds like even more so for the area I asked about. Any hints or details that you can offer to a first timer fishing that section of the river for walleyes? Also, any suggestion as to where to get the top quality bait that you're referring to?
Thanks a lot for the info- much appreciated. I'll be up in your neck of the woods on Thurs. night hopefully catching some big 'ol cats.

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Scoot, I've written about your question at some length. Here's a direct link to what I think you want to know.......
http://www.geocities.com/dkiazyk2000/articles9.htm Good reading! P.S. The river will start to rise again with the rain we received today. It's going to rise even more when you factor in the stuff that was received further south. Higher water can make cattin' a bit tough for a little while (it takes em a bit to adjust to this new circumstance). (Addendum) I'm also going to be publishing five new articles on my cattin' experiences this summer.. so stayed tuned. I'll let you know when they're up.

Dan Kiazyk
Cat Eye Outfitter
[email protected]

[This message has been edited by dkiazyk (edited 08-06-2001).]

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