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Question for BWE or any other knowledgable "Red-Man"

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I know the Red isn't like your typical lake where you can pinpoint bars and depths on a topo map, but is there anything that gives info about the depth of the Red River? Despite the many changes that happen on a river I would think that something would exist with depth info about the Red.

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The U.S. Coast Guard has jurisdiction on the Red and I would expect they have some navigational charts hidden some place. They would be expensive to purchase is my guess?

I have asked the ND G&F and they have nothing avalable.

Last year I was issued a complete set of river maps that illustrate detail but no depths but this set is still extremely handy. We use these maps for creel survey work on the Red river.

WWW.Topozone.com is a good resource to get sectional maps of river areas that you are researching. Again no depth charts avalable there just topo, yet handy to have.

If you do find some depth charts let me know.

Backwater Eddy...><,,>

Backwater Guiding Service
[email protected]

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Maps for the Red River North of the border are available from the dept. of Natural Resources 200 Saulteaux Crescent ph. 204-945- 6784. The maps are very interesting as they do give some relatively accurate indications of depth from the border out to lake Winnipeg. Another excellent source of information will be the Canadian coast guard who set up buoys to help larger lake boats navigate up to Winnipeg (their office is in Selkirk). Hope this helps. Dan
(Cat Eye Outfitter www.geocities.com/dkiazyk2000)

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