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We are in for it again weather wise and it made me think of the necessity for proper precautions.

I found myself stormed in once for a 2 1/2 day blizzard in a fish house with no fuel. It cost me all my toe nails and chunks of skin, lucky to have survived!

Toe nails come back, if you still have the toe's that is, but if you ever experienced the pain of thawing out frozen feet and limps you soon become a believer in preparations an precautions in winter.

I carry a Coleman lantern and extra fuel, match's, extra clothing, sleeping bag's, high calorie food's, a medical kit, and a coffee can to melt snow for water, and a extra radio with spare batteries.

I am amazed at people who think a cell phone is adequate for storm preparations! Sure a cell phone is handy but try to warm up wrapped in it, not going to happen. You may get a call out but it is no insurance that they can find you.

What other survival methods do you find handy and tip's to share with us up north survivor's?

Be smart, be prepared!

Backwater Eddy...............><,,>

Backwater Eddy...><,,>

Backwater Guiding Service

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