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I will be away few days....

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Found me some new river area's to play on so I will be away from the board for a few days, you folks keep things humming along, ok!

Wish me luck!

BE......><, ,>

"Backwater Eddy"
Backwater guide service
"Ed on the RED"
[email protected]

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Fishing is very good despite snow, drizzle, rain, and a touch of mud.

My son Ian and I worked a small river near Wahpeton and found lot's of eager walleye and a few big pike.

I didn't keep count of the walleye we caught and released but Ian did, and according to his count we released over 215 walleye in two days. He said he caught the most? (YA RIGHT)

We both had a blast!

(PSSSSST-Hay-I caught the most, not Ian. I just let him think so, Honest? OK, he may have out fished me a bit? Maybe?)

Ian pulled up a 18 lb. pike on a 1/4 oz. jig and twister, that was fun to watch! He did a great job on that fish in the tight cover we were in!

We hope to get a few more days on the river before it is to stiff to push a boat through, hope mother nature cooperates?

BE & Ian ......><, ,>......><,>

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215 Walleyes?
Wow, now that's action!
Wish I could of been there....work sucks!
Down in the teens tonight...hopefully!


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Good job Ed. That sounds like some good days of fishing. I'm sure Ian will be talking about that fishing trip for a long time! I shouldn't have put my boat in storage so soon but I was getting tierd of not having my truck in the garage so put the river boat in storage so I could get my tuck inside. What kind of presentaion were you using to catch those walleyes? Do you do any ice fishing on the rivers Ed? I haven't ice fished on the Red but am thinking of giving it a try this winter. I found some spots that I think would be good winter locations for walleyes while out fishing for cats on the Red this summer. Bruce

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Good trip, hope to have more yet if the weather cooperates, yep-yep it was fun!

If you plan on ice fishing the Red or other Rivers be VERY CAREFUL!

Rule #1- NO ice is safe ice on a river.

Rule #2- ALWAYS test ice with a spud bar prior to walking on any ice.

Rule #3- Ice on a river is never consistent, re-check before expanding your fishing territory!

Rule #4- Don't fish alone on early ice and keep a rope and ice pick's handy in case of a break through. Also let someone know your location and est. time of return.

Off current areas are your best bet, backwater's and oxbow's if avalable. Most walleye are near shore or at the base of the first break, current breaks and snags are key at first ice.

Be careful Bruce! I have went through ice on rivers before, not fun! Darn lucky to be alive too!

Good hunting.

BE......><, ,>

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