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Red Lake River/Thief River Walleye?

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Hi guys. I fish the river in Thief River Falls just about once a week, and I have the hardest time finding and catching walleye on these rivers! I thought I could figure them out, but I haven't had much success. Any info on what I need to do and where to look, would be greatly appreciated.<P>The area I'm asking about is above the dam, I can find Walleye below the dam, but not in the upper portion of the river.<P>Please let me know if you have any tips?<P>Thanks Much and Good Luck Fishing

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Hey buddy... Your not alone. Rivers are a very elusive creature to grasp and try to tame. I have been studying rivers for the past 10 years and thought I was getting pretty good at it and my conficence was growing...... that was until I decided to head to TRF and try fishing over there for the first time ever..... Well... It was not a real good confidence builder LOL...

I landed the boat above the dam in that park. started out confused.. three rivers all of a sudden LOL... I tried graphing for fish but that did not work when the average depth was 3 feet.. found some deeper water, tried all sorts of techniques with only 3 bites... Got some local advice and headed below the dam to fish from the fishing piers... well after loosing about $20.00 worth of stuff in every cast into that rig eating snag heaven, I managed to bring in one Pike and almost got another type of fish to the shore but it also managed to run off with my rig.. LOL...

Maybe it was the major storm rolling in but I did not have any luck above or below the dam there....However... I want to put my two cents worth in for Theif River Falls....

BRAVO to you............ My first time visit over there was very shocking to say the least....

The boat landing was very nice, even a dock.. your river banks were beautifully lined with very ambishious and decorative land owners, your city has went out and made areas for fishing.... OH MY GOD... cement fishing piers, rod holders, well maintained areas... I was very impressed and will be back. I have been fighting with the city over here just to get the boat landing cleaned let alone places to fish from or keep it clean.. You however do need one thing.. a biat shop... could not find one any where...??

Any how.. just keep trying.. try everything.. make up stuff.. think like a fish and you will succeed. The only fish I got over there was using crank biats.. casting into the rappids and bringing it back to shore. bottom rigs are tough unless you dont mind loosing them...

hope this helps..

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River, Red Lake River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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Thanks Rusty...

Atleast now I know I'm not the only one! I'll keep pluckin' away and see if I can figure em out.


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Catmanlee,Whiskers, I,m glad to hear whiskers that you tried the "rivers" in TRF! Bait can be gotten at Erl's Mkt. on 8th and Main. By the looks of the amount of boat trailers at those ramps somebody must be catching something! River rats are notorious for keeping quiet!!! The Thief River is very high and muddy. I'd try the Red,hit some holes in the bends. Just before freezup try right where the rivers come together. Hopes this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok here goes.. All I can say is wow...

I landed the boat at the sportsmans public access in RLF. I went up river about 9 miles before I decided I better turn around.. I went through a million rock rappids and now I have to go back down them to get home.. well... going up is much easier than going down them because you cant see the surface breaks when your above the rocks.. Plus there are a ton of leaves in the river now.. well Leaves and my intake for the Jet were not a good combo.. lol... I was down to an idle and unable to clean it out with out getting into the water. Might I remind you the water temps are about 50*... brrrrrrrr...

I floated down the river back to the bridge east of RLF. started walking back to my truck.. got a ride.. took the truck and trailer down under the bridge and loaded the boat there... wow that was a pretty big hill to go back up lol... I never did get any fishing in by the way.. .lol

I went back to the landing and headed up the Clear water river.. wow is that low... I made it as far as the areana, fished in some holes there... then headed back home..

Not much of a fishing day but was that an adventure... the looks on some of the peoples faces as I went by their homes was priceless.. I think with about a foot of water I could make it all the way to TRF and fish below the dam.. Now I am going to have to figure out how far by river it really is all the way to TRF. Kinda curious as to how close I was.

Wiskers Guiding Service
River Pro

Red River, Red Lake River ,for Channel Cats & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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You could make it after a good rain but there are many spots bewteen here in RLF where you won't find a foot of water. Please don't drive over us standing in our waders.

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Ya I think if there was about a foot more water I could make it..

There were many places I was running in less than a foot of water and wow the rocks.. man I have never seen so many rocks... Every corner there was another rock rappids..

I will watch for ya in the waders lol.. just dont fish around any corners, I cant stop it its too shallow LOL.. You might have to make a run for it.. LOL..

Wiskers Guiding Service
River Pro

Red River, Red Lake River ,for Channel Cats & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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