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probly wont get much for answers but is it even worth going on the river to look for crappies. and if it is what type of area should i look for. i dont want any specifics given over the computer. but feel free to email me at. [email protected] thanks for any advice.

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well i tried from 2-630 or so tried two spots. one tiny northern adn only saw 2 fish on the vex. so duno might giver her a try again after school.

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I'll be honest with you. Crappies used to be plentiful on the river. They have simply been fished out. Yes, if you hunt, you might find pockets of 3 even 10 fish. This spring, I think a guy could be lucky and find a handful, but there won't be any great #'s for years. That's what happens when a resourse is abused and over harvested.
Last spring I found one pocket of just a few. I think I caught 10 in 3 days of trying. The keepers were big. I did catch some 6 inchers, which tells me that they might be reproducing in the river. That would be nice.
I remember 4-5 years ago when you could catch 15 in just a few minutes at just about any spot you tried. They were thick. I also remeber at this time that there were guys who would go back and forth and keep 2-3 limits /day. Heck, I even saw piles of dead crappies on the banks that guys just didn't want to clean so they left them for dead. (more than once)
The few that are left are hard to find.
Some guys think that they are still large numbers that are left and that may be true. Good Luck finding them.

That's my 2 cents.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hunterlee. .. ..

Well I tell ya what .. I seen many more Crappies in the last two summers than I ever have over here..They were big ones too.. Most were 10-13 inches.. However over the winter I was not able to find even one??? Once the river dropped to these major low levels the Crappies just jumped ship and moved ??????? Lets hope they make their way back this summer if we get some water.

Most times we were finding them by bridges or wing dams.. Good fishing..............

Good luck............

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River, Red Lake River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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