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well boys, its getting that time of year agian, and its nice to back.
lets make some bets on early ice, i say i'll be out there november 26? can anyone get out earlier?

( oh, by the way.... the bronson kids say hi)

-dont take 'em all

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well it depends on where your talking. i am hopeing to get out on the river say thurs.
last year we got 4 notherens and a small walleye the 4th of november but dont think its gonna be till the 5th this year. haveto post when i get on safely.

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heeeeeeeeeey patrol im gonna be out there before that forrr surrre and u **** well better beleive it

yank and crank

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I cant wait to get out for early ice. The boys and I are building a new 12x8 portable. It's gonna be a biggy. We are planning on bringing it along for early ice. Be careful out there during early ice and have a fun time.

Howdy Doody

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welcome rooster. its nice to have a new commer in the north west part of the state. lets show all them bessies on the ice fishing main forum that we'll be catching more, and bigger fish. good luck to all the bronsonites, mud lake, thief lake, and river fishermen in the great North Western Minnesota

-dont take 'em all

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Howdy Doody, thanx for making me feel welcome. Has anyone ever fished on Lake Bronson? I've heard the story's of the great bronson boys but never been there to fish. Does anyone know how the fishing is up there?


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hey rooster, i've spent some time on bronson in my day. theres a lot of action up there, even when the fishin is slow. good people, and a nice little town to the west of the lake. we nail the perch every year up there, and some big old pikes slide out of our holes almost often. and if you be lucky, ya might even run into the bronson boys.
i just drove by bronson this morning and there is ice on about half of the lake. lots of steam rolling off of it though, its cooling down!
see ya out there

-dont take 'em all

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thanx for the info pike patrol, I'm real interested in fishing up there now. I love fishin for perch, ecspecially when their hot. I'll have to take some time off and head up there one weekend. Keep posting new pike patrol i'm enjoying it.

Howdy Doody

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hey mink and rooster, and everyone else:
how is deer season treatin' ya?
did ya see the thirty pointer?????

-dont take 'em all

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