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I know this should probably be in the huntin forum, but I thought I would get the skinny a little quicker from youse locals on this forum. I know Nelson Slough was drained last year, did it fill back up, or is it still unhuntable? Also, how are the water levels at the Agassiz NWR? It's a long way to come to throw steel at some duckies, so I'm curious if a lot of work is going to be involved in getting a spot to chuck steel.
Thanks Guys!

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Duffman I just made a loop around "nelson's" yesterday in the am. The south ditch (access) is full of brush you might get out with a canoe, but I doubt it. Lots of sand hills and some geese on the west side of the slough (in fields). I drove into the dam. The water level is the lowest I've ever seen. I was there at the wrong time to see much duck movement. There are some large ponds in the middle which held quite a few geese. If you hunt it how about a report? Put it back on the T.R.F. page.

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Duffman, we've got a real stiff nw wind today. I,ll give you a post on Ag. thursday. There have been a lots of canadas around the ref. up til last night. Got my fingers crossed that we won't lose them because of the cold wind. I,ve seen it happen before!

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Thanks Old Guide!
Looks like we have got some work cut out for us if give Nelsons a try. It was quite the suprise at sunrise on opener last year to find out that it was drained. We are probably going to give the AG area a go this year. I'll post our success or lack there of when we return next Tuesday.
Thanks again for helping me with the info, looking forward to your Agassiz water report.


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Any reason why they drained the slough? I have never hunted it but I have always thought about it. I grouse hunt a lot in that area and have always wondered if it is any good for waterfowl.

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Duffman, west side of Ag.dry. south side has some water. Plenty of geese all over! Saw quite a few puddlers in a recently flooded old slough. Got to thinking about Nelson's....same type of drained/flooded habitat...good luck! Pat

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Old Guide....
Thanks again for the info, we made some calls to the DNR and the Refuge. The DNR confirmed that Nelson's is still drained, and the guy at the refuge gave us some current info on the area of the refuge we would like to hunt. It involves a little effort but we shouldn't have a problem finding a spot and some birds. Thanks Pat for helping this metro guy out, I'll post our results next week. I'll also e-mail you some locations that we tried. If you still want to e-mail me the addy is [email protected]
I'll be around till 2:00 today. Good luck to you this weekend. Take care Pat

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Agassiz Duck Report....
We ended up hunting the lost river portion of the SWMA, canoed in and tried one of the dugouts out in the sleugh. Ended up getting some blue and green winged teals, spoonbills, mallards, ringnecks, widgeons, and one goose. Sunday morning had some decent luck, not much flying, but we got into some. All in all, there wasn't an overbundance of birds flying around but it was a good time, although I should have paced myself better at The Rusty Nail. LOL

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Duffman,we had about the same in the bag as you only young mallards, no geese. Hunted the Thief Lake area. Man what a rumble of shooting to be heard up there! The average of ducks per hunter was 2.5, above average. at least thats what a DNR guy told my brotherinlaw. Lots of snows and blues moving east to west sun. am. They must have got blown off coarse the previous windy days. We hunted geese this am. saw one duck... but filled on canadas. I guess it's time to do some serious scouting. Sorry to hear the "Nail" was hard on you! Thanks for the report.

Old Guide Charters
Lake of the Woods
Call Toll Free:1-800-952-(9484)

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