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Any NW MN lake comments???

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Has anyone been to the Union, Maple, Sarah lakes region as of late? I know the rivers around T.R.F. have been screwed-up for a while so there must be some kind of reports or rumors about these lakes. No specifics needed, just some conversation to keep this site interesting.
How about you LipRipper? What's been going on? I got the voice coach M left for me. I'm assuming he meant largemouth and not smallmouth as he stated in the message.
K2 I'll be calling you tonight.

P.S.-Practice CPR ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

White-tips, not a whole lot going on here. The river has been consistently slow but still gives up a walleye or two. Smallies are starting to show up too but way down river. We did manage to catch some big mouths on Union that day he left the message but nothing to get to excited about. Give me a call when you are in the area.

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sure hope things straighten up soon.
we have hit maple several times so far. the only day we caught fish was the day we went through several dozen crappie minnows on bullheads.

the other times we have been skunked.

last year at this time w had already had some great fishing here in town and at maple.
not yet this year.


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