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Hootie ya' out there?

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Somebody stop by the Speedy delivery guys house in Red Lake Falls and show him how to run that expensive computer he just had to have.
Hoot - you should have used that money on a library of info on how to catch fish. Oh, I forgot, you'll just follow me and do what I do! TEEEHeEEEE

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Hey waz up? gett'n ready for rainy, dont feel like fight'n the landings, but we'll give it a go. Land the boat 530-6 fish hard and off the river by 4, or we'll wont get of till midnight. Bring all my stuff up when you show up, got to go for now talk later ok? hoot.

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I figured this would probley end up being hootie vs c-sam roast-a-thon, just dont forget that all your textbook fishin education dont beat my natural instinct abillity to cathc fish or misspell words.

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Leave the river by 4:00? We'll drive 7-8 hours round trip so we can fish for 7-8 hours? Why are you such a spineless lump? We'll stop fishing when I say it's time, or I have completely fished circles around you and I can't stand your whining anymore. By the way, if you want to launch the boat by 6-7 am. we'll need to leave TR around 4:00 am..
I'm up to it if you are. I'm just anxious to see if the fish are gonna cooperate. We should be able to fill on eye's no problem - with a limit of only 2 - but the pike might be a little tougher. Oh well, we'll give it the old college try. Just hope the weather goes our way.

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Were leaving friday night DUH!! and will be up there to land the boat in the morning DUH!! early enough so we dont have to fight crowds at the landing DUH!! So we have a good prk space DUH!! AND WE HAVE TO LEAVE THE RIVER AT A DECENT TIME SO WE DONT HAVE TO WAIT FOR HRS TO GET OFF THE RIVER DUH!!! and its five hrs round trip and if driving bothers you I gaurauntee I'll be doing a lot more driving by weeks end than you'll have done just getting up here. Its a short trip, it's easter weekend, my wifes pulling a double on sunday and Im not going to walk through the door in the middle of the night. This is how it going to go, Period. If you dont believe me about the landing call emil Sat. might not be as bad as sun. But I'm not gambling on it, I'm lucky to be going at all. You want to spend time up there, come up in Oct. With em and I, you cant swing a short trip emil will be glad to go. Later.

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Try a little less caffiene bud! The whole world can read this if they want. If we go up Friday PM have you thought of anywhere to stay yet?
Hey! I just found a place where I can pick up just about any Rapala I want for less than $2.50. Pretty cool huh. I think I'm gonna pick up a new Rapala cattin' stick too. According to the price list I can get em' for around $20.00 a piece.
We're gettin' pounded down here. They say maybe 12 inches worth by the time it's all over. The radar looks like you guys had smooth sailing all day.
Were you up at the Big Fork the year we had to walk out to the mouth through 3 feet of snow? I hope we don't have to do that again this year. The Rainy River site says there's only patches of open water on the Rainy right now. Did you wanna run up that far (to the Big Fork), or just put in at Frontier?

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A little stessed out. caffine has nothing to to do with it, just behave yourself and we'll get along fine, take heed to your own words. I'll repeat my self from our phone conv. I figured we would park in the drive way of craig's cabin, you also brought up the point of his uncle or some family member near by that we could poss. park at. If not, I'll think of something between now and then. later.

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A little?

You know, last time I went up in the spring I went to the mouth of the big fork right away in the morning (there wasn't another soul around), caught my three pike, then ran back down to Frontier around 12:00 noon, put in, caught my two eyes, trailered up by 2:00, and was outta there without ever having to wait in line at all. I guess at midday everyone was on the water, or filled out and gone by then.
We might consider that game plan to avoid the crowds. I was lucky with a parking spot though. Someone had just pulled out right when I came up from putting my boat in, otherwise I'd of probably parked about a half a mile away.
If we did the Big Fork first thing in the morning we could probably park at that little Museum/Tourist thing next to the bridge - I think. Otherwise I've heard a couple guys mention something about a campground, or parking lot at, or behind the Clementson resort. There might be something right in Birchdale like that as well. I'm not sure.
Do you wanna try catch a couple sturgeon the night we get up there, or maybe after we get our pike and eyes? Might be worth a try. A piece of one of your frozen suckers would do the trick. I doubt anyone anywhere has got nightcrawlers right now. Have you heard of any other baits that might work on sturgeon?
Do you still want me to bring my motor? How about my trolling moter? Or do you have a trolling motor we can use? Depth finder?
There's a lot of questions here to remember, so print this post, then you can answer each question.

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Hey, my apollogies to c-sam and anyone else that might have read this forum about my ill-tempered manners, sorry just haven't been myself lateley, going a winter blues burn-out, this forum is supposed to fun and informative. Sorry. Now, Emil is coming, did'nt think you'd mind, it'll be tight but it's one night, he said we could prob. prk at his bro-in-law yard just on the other side of williams and he can crash in the house, us in the van. That little museum I'm sure we'll get ticked. Dont know about any camp ground behined clemetson, hows this, since were masters in the art of camoflage, we just pull in to a hotel prk-lot in baudette along side all the other rigs and blend in and crash. Unless they run lic-plt numbers for hotel guests. Em has his conects a clemetson, mabey they would just let us prk for the night for a small fee Thats were he gets his shinners, I'll talk to him tomorrow. I do like the idea of pike at the fork first, it would be nice to put the boat in at that landing as that possabillity exists,pike from the boat, then move out into 11-15' for eye's. We have time to decide. Dont need trolling motor, but I have bink for depth, thats the best I can do depth finder, I think Em can get a ten horse. Don't think you need to bring yours. Ummmm, Sturgeon sound fun, dont know if we'll have time, I need to get back to rocky point between 4-5 need to check on something most important, will fill you in later. All the fishing depends on the river conditions, run off, forks going out ect. It's play by ear utill we find out what were up against. Best luck for eyes in the morn, those pike seemed to bite constant esp. if conditions are right. Ummmmm, I'll talk later after I get input from Em, Later, Hoot.

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That'd be great to have Em' along. You make a good point about the B Fork. Later in the day there would be a better chance of no skim ice out on the main water - I guess everything depends on the weather. I guess I wasn't thinkin about getting the boat in at the B Fork landing, but if the rivers open it'd be worth a try. I was just thinkin' about walkin' down there again like previous years.
If you've gotta be at Rocky Point by four we're gonna have to off the water a little after two. Now we're really talkin' about leaving early. I'm not sure I wanna go all that way to only fish for 4-5 hours. We're gonna have to talk this over some more. I'm really only interested in going out on the water and catching fish. It's a pretty long drive for only a couple hours of fishing.
Maybe you should give me a call when you get this post.

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Hey went arts wake last night, it was good to go. I just have to be at rocky point by dark. If were on the river by 6-630 and fish till 3-4 thats 8-10 hrs fish time. Catch eyes first then load up and head to big fork. were we can walk or land boat no crowds. Got to go later.

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Hey went arts wake last night, it was good to go. I just have to be at rocky point by dark. If were on the river by 6-630 and fish till 3-4 thats 8-10 hrs fish time. Catch eyes first then load up and head to big fork. were we can walk or land boat no crowds. Got to go later.

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Hey, Em is'nt going with they found another cancerous cist on gail, so he has priorities on the home front. He also said that since we are going up fri in the dark clem. land. is a mile of the road and being dark, Hmmmm, I think it would work at frnt, em and beanie did it last yr, I'd be up for this. Early morn. eye's afternoon pike delight. bring your motor just incase, and running lights. I'm going to fire up my motor this weekend and try to fine tune it, it runs fine, but have a tough time at times, re starting, fluding ect. but it dose run. Go light sleepbag, food, takle, clothing, motor, never mind. Anyway later.

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Hootie,Hootie,Hootie - look at me I'm Hootie...
Was that last post in English?
Geeez, that's really too bad about Gail. I'll send a card out to Eem's as soon as I get a chance. I hope everything turns out for them - their such nice people. It's strange how God makes terrible things happen to really great people. But the scripture also tells us that we are to endure long suffering.
I'm completely on board with our fishing plans now. Eyes in the morn, pike after that, then run to Rocky if you need to on the way home. You wouldn't be stoppin' to see a fishin' shack would ya'? I'll pack light - only what I need.
Ya' know, we should probably find another place to chat. This website wasn't really intended to be used as our personal chat room.
Still got a mind to fish for sturgeon from the Frontier landing when we get up there Fri night. Might be below freezing though so it wouldn't work to good.

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Corn? Corn? I don't know anything about any corn? What corn?

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