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Fishin' the Wildside.

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Are any of you listening to my fishin show?

6:20 am monday thru saturday on KKAQ AM
and KKDQ FM.

Fishing reports from Lake of the Woods,
Red Lake, Detroit Lakes, Devils Lake,
The Red River, Bemidji and more.

Plus we gave away a dozen Angel Eye Jrs
this week. More to come.

It's worth gettin up for.

Curt Quesnell

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Curt, I've caught it a couple of times. You've got a good show going there. Both times I heard it, it was on the way up to LOW, kind of helped me get my game-face on, you know.
Why so early though? Or could you run it again say 4:00 pm? I suppose we should be happy it's on at all.

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I wanted to do the show live and that was
the time that I had available. I wanted
people to be able to listen on the way to
the lake but thats mostly saturdays.

This year I just wanted to see if I could
keep enough content for a daily show. That
seems to be working out real well. Now,
the question of doing the show year round
and getting sponsors for year round will
come into play.

If I can get sponsors, we can put it on
again in the afternoon too.


Curt Quesnell

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KKDQ FM is at 99.3
KKAQ AM is at 1460

Where do you live?

Curt Quesnell

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Hi Curt,

Thanks for the info.

Where do I live? In much too small a town,
45 miles from TRF. Where the ICE SAWS are made by my friend.

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Some mornings when the weather is just right I can get 99.3 way down here in hooterville. Ice saw country should be no problem! I look forward to listening to FISHING THE WILD SIDE every chance I get, awesome host and great guests that have some great pointers and how the bite is going in their neck of the woods, what the hot presentation has been etc. Lots of fun and its the fastest 5 minutes on radio! Paul

Paul Rohweller
Pine to Prairie Guide Service

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I enjoy very much your contributions to this site. Would you please inform me where KKAQ AM and KKDQ FM are on the dial, I want to see if I can get your show on the radio, if not will get it for sure on the way up to the pond. Thanks

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I have great contributors and that makes
the show interesting and special for me.


Paul Rohweller, guide from the Hitterdahl
area, keeps us up to the minute on the Detroit Lakes and Ottertail area. Paul is
Mr Detail and reminds me (and us) the importance of "working the structure, points
and weedlines" and gives tips on how to do

Ed Carlson (Backwater Eddie) guide from the
Wahpeton area who fishes the Red River from
top to bottom. Ed also fishes the lakes
in northeastern South dakota. These people
that fish rivers are some of the most dedicated fisherpeople out there. Rivers pay
big dividends to those willing to do the work and Ed shares some real valuable information. Safety and conservation are
important to Ed and he talks about that too.

Jeff Beckwith, owner of Scenic Tackle in
Bemidji, maker of the Angel Eye Minnow and
Angel Eye Jr gives us an update on the
Bemidji area each week. We usually wind up
talking about Red Lake and Lake of the Woods
and we ALWAYS wind up talking about the
sucess of the Angel Eye Minnow.
Us "up north" fishers have been on the ground floor of one of the most exciting new fish catching deals (the Angel Eye and Angel Eye Jr) to come along in quite some time. Its driving the metro area fisherpeople crazy because they are hearing such great reports and they cant get em. (they are
available on this website)
Scenic Tackle has givin us some excitement this winter and it has been real fun following the story on the program.

Mark Bieganek is another weekly guest. Mark
grew up in Kelliher and has fished Red Lake
all of his life. He was included in the group who discovered the unbelievable
Crappies fishing explosion on Upper Red Lake.
He makes some top notch spinners and some
other cool stuff in his luxurious shop built
onto his garage. Mark also builds an
unbelieveably mobile portable fish house.
If the fish arent biting Mark will say so and
if they are biting, he will tell you where
and how to catch em.

Johnnie Candle, touring PWT competitor and
North Dakota expert is also a regular on
Fishing the Wildside. Here is a great source
of information on all kinds of fishing. Johnnie Candle worked with the Perch Patrol
the last two winters on Devils Lake and now
will be on the "sports show circuit" for the
rest of the winter traveling all over the
country talking to people about fishing and
great new products. Johnnie is a very good
interview and takes the positive approach
every time.

Justin Kjos, from Dennys Outdoor Sports in
Roseau is the guest every friday and saturday
morning with the Lake of the Woods fishing
report. Justin spends thursday on the phone
updating the fishing report board mounted in
the store above the minnow tanks. Justin
loves Lake of the Woods and is doing his
best to make Dennys Outdoor Sports the perfect stop on the way to the lake. I recommend you try it.

Those are the regulars, we have special guests that will pop in and out. Nick from
Zipple Bay, Glen from the Riverbend and there
are others including Steve Thies from Log
Cabin Bait on the resort strip along the
the Rainey River.

Finally Chip Leer and Tommy Skarlis from
the "On Ice Tour" who are devoting there
time and futures to promotion of ice fishing
everywhere. These guys rock!..I also stole
the shows name from them.

Its the guests on the show that make the
show special. It's almost all done "live"
so that can make it even more interesting.
I met most of these people online either on Fishing Minnesota or on Walleye Central.

Like I said, I think its worth getting up
early for.

This got long!

Curt Quesnell

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I listened to your fishing show most of the month of januaury, but since I've come back to school there isn't a very good chance of me being able to pick it up.

I agree with crappie hunter about it helping a guy get his game face on. Listenin to your show while suckin down a big mug of coffee on my way to the lake is a dang good way to start the mornin.

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Hey Curty in the mornin!

Great morning show, I listen to the fishing reports every morning on my commute from TRF to Crookston. Just moved to TRF last year so still getting my feet wet on the area fishing opportunities. Looking forward to some great fishing! Keep up the good work.

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It's a good show Curt. Listen to it most mornings. It is fun to hear about different lakes.

Jig O Bit

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Never knew you had a show. Suppose I oughtta start tuning in. Only one problem, I guess that means I'm gonna have to start getting up almost an hour earlier -- YIKES!

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