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I don't know if any of you in here are members of the Minnewawa Sportsmens Club, but I owe them a HUGE thank you. I am in the Minnesota Guard and am over in Iraq currently. For Christmas I received a nice folding multi-tool that is a great gift. Thank you to those who contributed. If you would like to say hello feel free to email me at [email protected]

Sgt Jeremy Hinton
A Co. 134th Signal Battalion

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No.... Thank you for serving for us. Come home soon. The fish are waiting.

Do you read the Outdoor News? If so, they currently are running Operation Keep in Touch or something like that. They are send copies to men and women in Irag. I could get more info if you interested.

[This message has been edited by whitetip (edited 01-25-2004).]

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Yes I get it every week here as long as the mail is delivered on time. My parents actually had a photo in the Reader's Shots section back in October if I remember right. It was a bass I caught and released on Hickory Lake, just a few miles south of Aitkin. Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know him but I bet I have seen him while fishing on the lake. I stay at the campground that is on the 169 side of the lake

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First off, thanks for being there for us. secondly, do you know Phil Hylar? I know he is in the signal corp and beleive he is with your group. When here, he was a sous chef at our restaurant, Canyon Grille in coon Rapids.
I hear from him from time to time so have a grasp for what you guys are up against.

Good Luck, keep your head down and say hi to Phil from Roy if you get the chance.


[email protected]

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes I know Phil. He is located in a different part of Iraq than I am but him and I are actually good friends and hang out a lot at home. 8 months down, 4 to go until we are on the way home......

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