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Well much to my surprise the mid-day bite was the high point of the weekend for myself. There is a small sand-bar weed line out of fishermans bay marked with three bouys (it is in front of a small island I'm sure someone will help me out with a name). It produced walleyes sat. and sunday for me. There is plenty of Slimers to go around also. My kids had fun with them.

Minimal amount of sportboat traffic on the lake but plenty of inconsiderate people in them! I had a older couple in a pontoon cut inbetween the bouys right in front of me while I was trolling! They just smiled and waved like there was nothing wrong frown.gif. I will get over it it just had to be mentioned.

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Can I ask what bait and/or presenation you were using?

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Lindy rigs Hammered Copper 6 to 10 ft long.

Leeches big leeches! I did not find a bait store in the Mcgregor area that carry big ones. I buy them at 65 bait on the way up.

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Spinners Ah, trolling or drifting? just trying to figure out speed.

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Slooooooooooow 2mph via gps average
Dont be afraid to try a crawler either.

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I'm heading up this weekend. Hope to catch the first eye there. I have never caught one on this lake and only a couple on others. Going to parents cabin by Hillcrest resort. Any pointers?? Be up friday afternoon- monday afternoon.

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I will be right around the corner at Eagle Point. I have a sesonal there. If you would like to get together I will try to help you out on your quest for a "wall dog". My wife and kids don't do the morning thing but my dog does! Let me know [email protected]

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Mobey1 Good luck this weekend. If you stand on the dock and look straight ahead you should see a bridge . Now follow the shoreline to the right untill you see the point. Line yourself up about half way between the bridge and the point and head out. About half way to the shoreline you will run into a rock pile that comes upto about 10 feet. Fish it slow with a spinner and a leech or crawler and you should pick up some wally's.Don't expect a world record and bring lots of spinners.Good luck Mark

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Thats one of those rock piles I was telling you about. Keep in mind, there is another one straight out from Hillcrest. Maybe 1/4 or 1/3 of the way towards the bridge.

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thanks for the tips. Plan on meeting up with Sandburr on saturday morning. 1 eye for the pan would be good, more would be great. Haven't kept a fish to eat since winter. Father in law here from florida. Would like to give him a taste of fresh minnesota eye. I haven't eaten any eye in 15 years (not a big eater but take lots of pics)
will post results

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Don't you dare tell anyone, but go into the Prarie River, go under the bridge, and just around the corner there is a pine tree that fell in the river.
Toss out a small jig/crappie minnow.
I have not gotten reports recently, but I would be willing to bet, there will some crappies in there. Gotta get up EARLY though.

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Crappies!! That is my other quest. I was going to put in a question about them. You must've read my mind. Only caught 3 crappies out the lake in the past but our neighbors get them on a regular basis. Early is good!
Nothing to do with fishing but if ya are looking for fun there is-was a big rope swing (like the old Mt Dew commercials if anyone remembers those) a mile or two up the river. Big hang out spot on a hot day and a lot of fun.
Thanks to all for the tips. Hopefully I will have a good report when I get back. Meeting up with sandburr tomorrow morniing. :+)) Can't wait!!!

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