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went to Jacks shack last weekend and it was closed. Was it just closed for the season? Do the bears come out all summer or in the fall? thanks

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Jack's Shack had a fire a couple of years back and hasn't been open since. However, I haven't been by in the last couple of months so maybe something has changed since then.

The Spook

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It was owned by two women. They did have a fire, but I also heard some stir about violations of the sorts, and perhaps some underage activities as well.

These could have been rumors though...Don't quote me on this though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Jacks Shack is owned by a couple ladies and I understand they are trying to reopen. There wasn't any illegal activities going on. The problem was with state or county regulations regarding the kitchen and sanitary sewer as I undertsand. Everything was fine before the fire , but when it came time to rebuild or repair ,the new regulations or standards went into effect. The repairs are going to be quite expensive. The ladies are still working on it and I would guess it won't be too long and they will be open. Let's hope so , it was a great place and they have a lot of money tied up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I drove by there this morning on the way back from fishing. There is a FOR SALE sign on there now. wasn't there last week.
water temp on lake was 55º....... slab friends making their way into the reeds. Last week water was 50º


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