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Whats your favorite lake in this region?

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I would have to say mine is Ripple. Good pike fishing, and some nice crappies also. I also like the fact that you have to go up the creek to get to it. Keeps the alot of the boat traffic away.

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Hi Fellas,

I like Ripple, too. Sleeper walleye lake as well as nice 'gills, eh?

How about Blackhoof? You guys ever fished it?

-a friend called Toad

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I have fished Minnewawa and big Sandy. Minnewawa has a good crappie bit at first ice. big sandy has walleyes, but you need to work to find them. The good thing is that it is not fished a lot during the winter. D-Man I sent you a couple fo e mails about guiding for me to try mille lacs. Glad to see this post.

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Have any of you guys ever fished ripple in the winter? I have only fished it a few times, but have yet to find the big bluegills. Also I am wondering about the spring fishing the times when I finally made it up there have all been towards the end of august. Did find some dandy crappies, then though. Didn't have any minnows with, but caught crappies in the middle of the day on tube jigs. Every time that I have tried it again, i got rained out.

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Redneck/ Ripple puts out some nice 3/4 pound bluegills in the winter. I usually go out of the pay access. Its a dirt road that T's into the new paved tar road. i guess it would be the south or south east side of the lake. Almost straight across from the public access. You'll see a sign along the new tar paved road that says "access $5.00 > " Go out from that access straight across to the other side of the lake. The guy usually plows a road straight out. You'll end up in front of a large point. Out from the point about 150-100 yards start drilling holes and look for 20 feet of water. Once you find that start heading for shore or straight into the point until you find the weedline. Fish the edge of the weedline, drill holes east to west along the weedline. You usually pick 4-5 fish out of each hole. When one hole dies keep rotating.

651-271-5459 http://fishingminnesota.com/millelacsguide/

[This message has been edited by D-man (edited 11-28-2001).]

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D Man is this other access real close to the road, basically striaght south of the access or is it further towards the other end of the lake from the access? This point that you are talking about is the land point that makes up the north shore, and then part of the west shore of the bay, or is it the weedy point that comes from the south shore?

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The pay access is a dirt road off of the main road that runs along the SE shore. You cant miss the sign. The point is the largest point on the lake.Its on the north shore, the deepest hole 39-42 feet is out in front of this point. The point is also very steep with houses and cabins on top or overlooking the lake on it. The DNR map is way off. It looked like the date was 1993 on it. It shows the pubilc access on the south shore but that is really a private access. The new access is on the ripple side on the creek that goes into Diamond. The access isnt very safe in the winter..

651-271-5459 http://fishingminnesota.com/millelacsguide/

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Favorite lake early ice is Little Hanson or Clinker. It just depends on what one freezes up first. Later in the year Section 10 is hard to beat.

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ripple can put out numbers of big crappie in the weeks leading up to opener, try back by the island or up the river. Pulled plenty of 11"-12"s and a 13.5" out this spring. Personally my favorite is Nord. Find a weed edge, tie on a 1/16th oz jig with your favorite plastic and catch anything from crappies, 'eyes, and BIG largemouth (bring plenty of jigs-lots of little scissorbills). Saw a guy dumping brush in the little bay south of the island, found a large brush pile and a smaller one, caught a few bass and crappie. I've seen people on it everytime out, anyone ever fish these piles in the winter?


[This message has been edited by eats (edited 12-02-2001).]

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My favorite lake is Frisbee Lake near Jacobson. It is a small lake with extremely large bluegills...However there are not many crappies present, and the lake is subject to winterkill, as it is only 9 feet deep. The bluegills on average are about 9.5 inches though. The lake also has some decent sized northerns if you are into tip-up fishing with a sucker minnow.

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D Man-

Been meaning to get back to you about Lone. I grew up on the east side and fished it like nobody's business as kid. You're right about fishing at night, in 26 years i've only caught one walleye during the day. My question is, on a lake like lone (deep and crystal clear) where do the crappies go during the day? I've never heard of a crappie pulled out during daylight hours (very few during the night for that matter). Follow up, would they be easier to locate in the winter?


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If I may offer some info on Lone Lake...
Like you said the water clarity is almost 26 feet. Light penetration is the big thing here.
Crappies in the middle of the day are hiding in the thick green weeds in 12-20 feet of water. Weed groth in a lake this clear may be to 25 feet if the thremocline allows. If you can find a pocket or slot of open areas in the weeds, the Crappies will be there. Due to the amount of sun that shines through, catching any species of fish is difficult during the day.
Under the right conditions, say heavy overcast and plenty of snow cover on the ice, the Crappies may feed earlier in the day. However, the bite will probably still be closer to the twilight hours.
Look to minnows and solid colored jigs for the best success.(black, blue, white)

[This message has been edited by Pro Crappie Guide (edited 12-14-2001).]

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Does anyone have any information on Dam lake?

We hunt in that area, and for years have talked about dropping a line in there during the winter. But, whenever we make up there after the hunting season, we always seem to to make the drive to Mille Lacs instead.

[This message has been edited by eribac (edited 12-14-2001).]

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Dam Lake is a relatively clear lake.
The lake is fished mainly for walleyes and it has a good population, with quite a few fish running 1 1/2 to 3 pounds.
The DNR stocks the lake with walleyes also.
Look to the SE side, where there is a 48 foot hole, and the bar just east of the hole for some eyes in the evening and after dark.

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PLEASE....bring some colder weather....lol.
Hopefully the weather will cool so all the ice doesn't disapear from my favorite lakes this week.
D-Man....Where are you???

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