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Time for my spring fishing trip to 5th CW

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It's that time of year again - I'll be heading out on that L-O-N-G drive from Vancouver, WA to Park Rapids on Thursday morning (5/27).

I'll be at the Owl's Nest on 5th Crow Wing for two weeks. This will be year 48 since my first trip - same lake - same resort (It was called Fran-Rick's then).

I would appreciate any reports or information anyone can share regarding Bluegill, Crappie and/or Walleye activity.

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Water is COLD... Panfish are bitting, try crank baits right up on shore.

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captain ahab, make sure you post your success after you get home, I"ll want to know how you did. How many hours is that drive for you? Good Luck.

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gilby -
It's about a 28-hour drive for me, just a few miles short of 1600. I take two and a half days to drive from Vancouver to Park Rapids. That way I get into town about mid-day on Saturday, get my fishing license, bait and groceries and arrive at the Owl's Nest about check-in time. I drive home in two days, two long days. I enjoy the drive though. North Dakota is a bit monotonous but Montana and Idaho are spectacular.

I will be sure to post the results of this years fish-chasing when I get home.

Anyone else have any thoughts, information, tips, reports, guesses, wild stories, intuitions, dreams, or communication from aliens or distant deceased relatives that might be useful?

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Any idea when the name changed? Also, when did they remodel? My family stayed up there from 86 until 93, but went back last year for the first time. They stayed there while they bought their own place. Always enjoyed it very much.

Have a great time
Mike G

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The name changed from Fran-Rick's to The Owl's Nest when the Lewis' bought the resort from John Davis - can't quite remember the year but it was the late 1960's or early 1970's - Kris was 11 years old.

The remodel has been an on-going project for several years, a cabin at a time. BTW - Kris designed the remodels and she also did 99 percent of the work. A very talented young lady!

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Ahh crow wing numero 5 one of the 4 crow wing lakes that I haven't had the chance to visit yet. But the weird thing, I to am leaving tommarow the 27 to head up to crow wing #1. If you hear anyone making bird calls to the fish... that would be me smile.gif

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