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Shady Lawn Trailer Park?

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you know I heard something about that. When we were in Mexico this winter I ran into a lawyer from there and he was telling me about it. He said it got shot down, the Lake association put up quite a stink.

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captainahab, what do you think of the idea of a place to park a camper for a summer. My wife and I would eventualy like to do this someday if we could find the wright place. This lake would be the one, it would be nice to come and go as we please, could go up for long weekends and two three weeks a year, whatever we want. The only down fall would be, that the lake would get to be alot busier I suppose. gilby

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I, also, would like something like that. There is a lot on 6th, just North of the public ramp with a camper trailer on it (at least for the past couple-three years). They have a pretty nice set-up.

I don't know about an RV park though. Seems to me the density might become a problem. Although, I believe down on 4th or maybe 3rd Crow Wing there is an RV park.

Don't know quite what to think.

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I think one of the reasons we like this lake is because of the realitivly small amount of boat traffic. With an RV park, that would change. Just how much depends on who you ask. I for one would not like to see this chain of lakes get over run by boats and jet skis. My .02 That said, there are some lake access lots for sale on 7th. With a small fishing boat, you could easily get to 5th or 6th.

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