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  • 2 weeks later...

Have a cabin on Stocking and when the bite is slowed down some then I go over to Blueberry and throw out somw tipups. Lot of small northerns but an occassional nice fish
have not been there this year yet but enjoy catching and releasing northerns. All I can tell you is when you drive out on the lake head straight north across the lake and run some tipups in 8-10 feet of water, hope this info helps if you get a chance to fish Stocking post a messege I would love to here about it.

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Have a cabin on Stocking and when the bite is slowed down some then I go over to Blueberry and throw out some tipups. Lot of small northerns but an occassional nice fish
have not been there this year yet but enjoy catching and releasing northerns. All I can tell you is when you drive out on the lake head straight north across the lake and run some tipups in 8-10 feet of water, hope this info helps if you get a chance to fish Stocking post a messege I would love to here about it.

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thore reason for asking my brother lives in mengagha, he fishes twin alot weve done good on blueberry in the summer for walleyes just wondering if anybody fishes it in the winter hows the fishing on stocking? do you get over to twin at all

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fished twin probably three times in my life
not much luck fish, stocking every weekend in the summer (my home is in mankato)do really well from opener to about july 4, then the walleyes really seem to slow down for the most part. If your a crappie fisherman they always seem to be biting off the deeper weedlines near the two points on the north side of the lake haven't been up there for several weeks now do to my lack of success on Stocking earlier. Dew isn't there a milfoil problem on Blueberry now?

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thore yes there is a problem didnt fish it last summer so not sure how bad it is. do you ever get any big eyes from stocking? three years ago my brothergot a 10#and i a 9#within a month from each other here they get some big ones off the bridge by blueberry opener and again in fall. oldtimer up there told my brother lotsove walleyes migrate out from the rivers and winter in blueberry. i live in monticello so i dont get up there as much as i wouldlike to but hopefully soon

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WOW your brother is a lucky man, the biggest i have ever caught on stocking was a 26"er
but do catch quite a few in the 16" to the 20" fish. DEW your brother wouldn't happen to have a starcraft would he, the reason i ask is i see that boat fish walleyes the majority of the time too. When i was younger my dad would take me to the bridge on blueberry and i remember catching huge sunfish off the bridge towards the river side by the reeds. I remember last year I heard the walleye bite was on so i loaded up the boat and drove over and saw about a two boat width path between the weed mat that stretched as far the length of the lake so i turned around. I don't even know how a guy could possibly fish it. Nice concept, with
the oldtimer, it makes sense, can you fish by the mouth of blueberry in the winter or
does the current keep it open?

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bye the way walleyes were from twin i think it stays open bye the bridge its pretty shallow there anyways they catch them bye the twin lakes bridge also weve done good in the mouth there also mostly in the fall in front bye the lodge or resort is good first ice but i believe there still hitting there yet

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  • 2 weeks later...

thore you been up fishing the area lately?wondering if anything is hitting

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guys i was on stocking on sat. and got a 22lb gator and put it back in the lake so good luck getting it.....

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nice work that's the biggest northern
that I have heard come out of that lake
(and put back in even better work) in
my 28 years of fishing stocking. Nice fish
thathad to be a blast through the ice.

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man what a blast i'm sure there are more of them like it in the lake just got to look for them..do you guys live on the lake??.
still a lot of houses out there are the crippies still in there like before??....
i had forgot to say who ever goes out there better have four whell drive or like to walk the preser riged by where you get on is big enough to get a car stuck!!!!

[This message has been edited by HARDWATER (edited 01-28-2004).]

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I have a cabin on the west side of the lake
pretty much directly across from the public
access. Yes the crappies bite pretty good on that lake all year long, but with this weather I haven't had the urge to get up their but I will go, but it's looking like after wallleye closes. Hardwater how bad
is that pressure ridge and snow will I need
to bring a four wheeler up to make it to the
northeast point?

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Havent been up that way since deer hunting. My friend's parents have a cabin on blueberry and we are going up this weekend. I think they have a white perm out on the uninhabited side of the lake (sorry I dont know direction off hand)They mostly fish for northerns and have had decent luck. May do some fishing friday night. Is night decent? Any suggestions. Last year we sat out one night near the sandbar(??) and managed a few perch but that was all. His dad does quite a bit of fishing at the bridge in open water. The only pickled pike I have ever liked :+)
You can also email me at
[email protected]
Good Luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been fishing this lake the past week and have done awesome with the crappies and bluegills. Fishing in about 12 feet of water, and have caught my limit on crappies the past two times out there. Not bad size crappies the average is 10 inches and the biggest so far is 12 inches. Have caught some realy nice bluegills too,,averaging 8", and the biggest was 9 1/2". Have also caught some smaller northerns there,,it's a fun spot to fish cuz you catch something diff. everytime you go out. Good luck

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Are you talking about blueberry or Stocking?
If Stocking let me know I can tell you some of my spots, sounds like you obviously don't
need my help. Keep me informed on what's going on on Stocking haven't had a chance
to get up this winter, but have a summer cabin and fish it then every weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

hey guys, I noticed your conversation on stocking. I was up ther last week at my brother in laws cabin and we did alright, few northerns few crappies. our cabin is by the point before the bay by the dam we fish the narrows in about 13 foot and do pretty well. in the summer we troll and troll and troll. that seems to work. we fish twin alot in the summer. northerns seem to be down by the resort and towards the mouth of the shell river. word of advise don't try to float the river unless you can skim 6" of water. we went down to the mouth of stocking creek and barely got there it is so shallow. few little holes. nothing hot. we plan on going farther down with my john boat this summer. good luck
on stocking and twin

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