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5th & 6th Crow Wing Walleyes

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Going to be on 5th & 6th Crow Wing in about three weeks. I've fished the lakes for years and caught a few walleye now and then while fishing for northerns, bass, crappie but never fished for them. This year I'd like to see if I can catch a couple.

Where would be a good place to look for walleye on 5th & 6th? What bait and how does one fish it?


Anyone see a white whale around here?
Captain Ahab

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captainahab, I think i would try 6th for walleyes, if you try along the north shoreline where the vegetation is would be a good start,or you could try the point across from shady lawn resort.some pretty nice drops and close to cover.All the walleyes are going to be in the weeds for the most part.Good Luck,Gilby.

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