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hey guys,
I know that this lake is hard to get to but it has some really classic fishing structure and I was wondering if you ever get good fish out of it? If so how do you catch them in the spring, or anytime for that matter. Also has anybody been up there this spring? if so were the fish biting? I see there is a resort on the north end and was wondering if anyone had ever stayed there? If so would you recomend it? Any information that any of you have would be appreciated.
keep on fishin'

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Good walleye lake. Also, some monsterous crappies in there. If your going to be there this weekend hit the north bay for some of them. Otherwise, jigs and shinners or lindy's and shinners will work real well. Lots of good early season structure.....and yes the walleyes can get big in there. I've never gotten any big ones....but have heard rumor!!!

Lots of Tullies in there so pulling some big silver raps over deep water is also a good option for big fish.

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First of all is this many point by Tulaby Lake? we have had good fishing their never caught any big ones but good numbers. lots of big northerens. we have always had good luck on the weed reef thats kinda in the midddle close to the public access. hope that helps and happy fishing.

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That's the one he is refering too...I think.

I agree with you on the Pike too. The big eyes suspend out pretty deep most of the year, but I hear tell of fish being caught out there in the fall pulling plugs.

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