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Anyone fishing Spider,by Nevis

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Any of you guys been out on spider this winter? If so how has it been? Just curious as we have a place on the lake but dont use it in the winter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know there's still ice, but can anyone share some thoughts on fishing Spider Lake in the summer months??? Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spider has fin fishing. I have see and only experienced once good walleye fishing. If you want Sunnies, this is the lake to hit. Northerns are OK and the Crappies are good also. There is a special Regulation on this lake for them.


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I think that the fishing has really gne down hill in the last 10 years here, due to over development. Having fished the lake for the last 30 years it is not the lake it used to be. Have noticed many people in the spring working the shoreline spawning beds and taking all the bull sunnies off the beds. Cant do that for too many years without negative affects. Also DNR has stopped stocking walleyes and is managing it as a bass and panfish lake.Too bad as it used to have a good fishable population of eyes in it. Anybody else have .02cents to thro in on this?

I fish, therefore I am.

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Thanks for your replies. I've spent a week at a resort on Spider for the past 10 years or so and was looking for the kind of info that you've shared. My experience has been lots of small sunnies with some occasional nice sized fish. Had always heard that it was supposed to be a good crappie lake and hadn't caught any until a couple years ago. Didn't catch many, but the size was near the length restriction. Seems like one can always find some bass and lots of small northerns. One last comment, the lake seems to get alot of fishing pressure for its size and fishable water. Anymore comments on this lake?


Never Enough Time..........

[This message has been edited by Never Enough Time to Fish (edited 03-13-2003).]

[This message has been edited by Never Enough Time to Fish (edited 03-15-2003).]

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TO the people who fish Spider....

DO you like the North East Lobe, The South East Lobe or the connection in the middle of the two for Walleye?


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I have caught eyes in all three of these portions of the lake.

Never Enough Time........

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

How has the fishing been lately? Many mosquitos or mayflies yet? I've finally found some time and will be in the area next week. Thanks in advance for your replies.

Never Enough.......

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  • 2 weeks later...

Want to fill in everyone real quick but a few weeks ago I caught a really nice out of Spider. I mesured it againts my tackle box it was at a minimum 24. I caout it at night lindy riging with a very long snell in 20 feet of water. I am going up next week for a full we and Hope to get right back at it. For those of you who fish the lake is the night bite really the only bite for the Walleye? Can you catch them in the day? Deep?


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