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Have driven past Swan a few times before but never fished it. Is it worth it to fish panfish & CPR bass & Pike coming from Splithand lakes near Grand Rapids?

Any information would help

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it is know more for walleyes. The panfish bite can be good but tough to find them.

Why did'nt Noah swat those two mosquitos?


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you can catch all the pike you can handle on swan.as far as pan fish good luck finding them. you can catch a bass from time to time also,,


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"Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?" Answer: Noah didn't take two mosquitoes on the ark. He only took two of every land animal (seven of some) which had the breath of life in its nostrils. Along with most other pests, bugs and insects, mosquitoes could have lived quite nicely outside the ark, surviving on floating mats of vegetation. OK, EsoxMN, I know you're just being funny but I had to get my creationist plug in.

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You've got to mutch time on you're hands. smile.gif

Why did'nt Noah swat those two mosquitos?


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lets just put it this way,,,, nooooo good,, i was up there 2 weeks ago and only got one eye. it was only 13 inched. and 8 slimmers. my brother caught 5 on the west shore in about 25 to 30 feet of water. and they were all smaller than 13 inches.. all of them cold fronts have driven them to the deep water and put the lock jaw on them..


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Hit a good bite 2 weeks ago right at dusk... Havent fished it since then, but will probably be on it tomorrow nite. Will let ya know how it goes...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has any one fished swan latley??
I will be heading up to take the dock out the first weekend of oct.I was wondering if the eye action has picked up yet or not. and to see if the lake has turned over yet..
and also what the temp of the water is.. last time i was there. the water temp was only at 64 any advise would be help full


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just a couple of fish from swan
even dog fish deserve a picture
36 in slimmer. from little alden just north of duluth

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has any one fished swan latley??
I will be heading up on friday for the weekend.
and was wondering if they are biting or still have lock jaw??

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