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Grand Rapids Winnie fishing report 8-10-04

After one of the toughest weeks we have had for fishing Walleye things are going to mellow out abit around here. We have been struggling alittle with the big cold front last week; it seemed like the walleyes just shut right down. With the southerly winds and warmer temps it should get up to speed soon. We found some walleye in the weeds on winnie yesterday and look for the bite to get better. The perch were also scattered in there with a few Northerns. Try any side of the lake with the wind blowing into or adjacent to and it has been working pretty well. Use as lite a jig as you can get by with in those weeds and rip it right through.
Bowstring has been alittle slow too, but its saving grace has been the crappies out in the main basin. Look around on the edges of the humps and look for the schools on your depth finder and drop a jig on them and you are in buisness. Sand has also started to pick up on the crappies with the same presentation working there.
Good luck fishing
Jason Boser
Fishing fever guide service
[email protected]

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Really appreciate the reports you've been putting out each week.
The whole family (about 25 of us) are going to be on Bowstring this coming Sat-Tues and I was wondering if you could give me a shoreline reference point to help locate those humps on the north end, how far out from shore, etc.. I usually spend time down on the rocks, SE corner, but would like to try some other spots, especially with all the kids. It would be nice to get on some of those crappies you're talking about.
Thanks for any tips,

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the humps are out from the landing 150-200 yards and to the right all the way to close to the shoreline some have jugs on the you just have look for them there will be people on them sometimes
the craps are out on the main lake on the humps and the main drop that goes to the deep water anywhere yoou find that you will find the craps

fishing fever guide service
phone 218-327-2191
e-mail [email protected]

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