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My wife and I were out the afternoon of 07-08-04 on the Wabana/Trout lake chain. We had a real good afternoon of fishing. We caught tons of bluegills in Little Trout lake, nothing big enough for me to want to clean though. We also caught quite a few small bass there as well. We went and checked out the Joyce Estate property and had a little picnic. In the evening we fished a sunken island on Wabana and slip bobbered with leeches and chubs and had a blast catching some nice largemouth, up to 3 lbs. I also caught a real nice smallie 17-18" range on a jig/minnow combo. He was CPR'd. I'm still looking for that 20"+ for the wall. There were quite a few loons out in the middle of Big Trout doing alot of diving. I'm assuming there was some suspended bait there and probably trout nearby, but didn't go and investigate.


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Hey Brian it sounds like you and the misses had a good time. I was wondering if you have any time off at the end of next week say Wed.,Thur.,Fri. I'm up for for bringing my boat up your way. I'll be around my email thru Tues. drop me a line.
Talk to later, Tom (BD110)

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