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Thumbs down is how I describe the first weekend. How did everyone do??? Four of us went to Jessie Lake for the weekend. Fished all day Saturday, total fish: 5 northrens 0 eyes, 0 perch, 0 panfish. On top of the bad fishing, the wind started to get really bad later in the day. Sunday only fished in the morning, with a little better news. Total fish: 5 eyes, 0 northrens, 0 perch, 0 panfish, 1 largemouth bass. The weather was beautiful though once the sun came up. It was down right warm after the clouds erroded away. Beautiful weather wise, ok fishing wise. We also talked to people who had been on Winnie and Bowstring. All reported no so good walleye fishing but the northrens were starting to hit. Hope everyone had a good weekend!! Good Fishing!!

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10 people include me got limit by sunday but we got got less 10 perch no good but we have blast good time we got alot of walleye but too many pike we fished at round lake

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