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Any information about ice and fishing conditions on Big Splithand would be appreciated. My son and his girlfriend are coming up for some fishing this weekend. I'd like to get somewhere where we have a good chance of a daytime crappie bite without having to invest two hours in drive-time.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey yoppdk,
You're best bet would be Bowstring right now. The bite has been very good on the north and northeast end anywhere from 22' to 27' of water. Glow demon jigs and minnows have been the ticket. I've also heard of some guys just using waxies or eurolarve and doing very good too. I was up there this past Thursday in the early AM and we only got 4, but we drove away from them! A reliable source said they did well from about 10 on! Ain't that fishing though? How's winter trouting been for you? I haven't been out do to a kitchen remodeling project, but am gonna hit Tioga Pit this week a time or two. Bowstring was driveable, lots of ice, but slush and snow too! I've got a dakota 4x4 and we got around all right.


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Was on Caribou for trout opener ... brought home one of two lakers caught. I haven't been up 38 since. I had hoped to get on Kremer yesterday but the wind was more than I care to deal with. I was on Tioga once early this season, spent only an hour or two and saw nothing. I'm sure there are plenty of those pigs still swimming.

Best trout this year was from a border lake in February.

I did go to Splithand last weekend, but was a bit early also ... saw nothing between 3 and 6 but I guess they started up as we left. I've also heard that Bowstring is the place to go.

Thanks for your reply ...

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