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Going to Prairie Lake with friends end of the month. Would like to get into some crappies! Any help would be awesome!

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Go North into McDougal Bay from Mallard Pt access or go SW about .5 miles to the area of the permanent houses. Catching the crappies is pretty easy, sometimes you'll have to sort to get the eater sized.

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Thanks Gordon,
Talking to resort owners that seems to be the consensus. I'll hit em and let you know!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dont go over to the perminants. One of them is mine and I have not had too many fish throught the hole lately. Nothing even worth keeping in more than a week. I am moving my house soon. Try closer to the shore where you will see a tin fish house. That is where mine will be moved. The bay is producing more right now. I take my portable out there and fish the little pocket there. I bring some home each time. Hope you do well.

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Was just on Prairie and did OK at best. Caught some crappie but the prize was a monster bluegill. Are there more like that in Prairie? Only gill I caught all weekend! Nice Northern too.

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Yep there is a few nice ones in the lake. I do catch a few out there. Its only at best one or two a week. I hope you did the right thing and put it back. The return will insure more in the future. I have pulled a couple out that were in the area of a good pound. They are back in there right now.
Best time is right at dawn and again at dusk. Look for them on the very edges of the drops.
Good to hear you caught one. They are few and far between. If you are looking to catch more that size you would do yourself a favor by going up 38 to graves lake. Nice ones in there and more of them. You must keep in mind of the limits on that body of water though.

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