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Merry xmas to all!
Wanted to find out if there are better Lake Maps out there for Bowstring than the Hotspots Map? If so Where can i get one? I was hoping for some good spots from a buddy for xmas but he hasn't come through yet. Merry xmas all!!!

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Wismitty ~ You stay off of my lake!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas........Greg C.

P.S. We did pretty good on the crappies the last two days! Different lakes. Possibly Red tomorrow.

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hey Greg,,, your lake? grin.gif if i recall Right One of my last trips there i fished deeper than uncle Jack did ,,, can i have that spot grin.gif

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Just looking for some spots for eyes. I know one but it is hard to find and with a little help i could get to it a whole lot faster and wouldn't expose it to others fishing during the mid week or i could even punch some holes for you and you could maybe get a few for yourself and the wife.

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I was out on splithand last week it was good.we had Walleyes and crappies. Havent seen it like that for a long time. the ice was good too some were driving trucks on it but I wouldnt rcomend that yet i would stick with 4 wheeler or snowmobiles

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Mary Ann'gler ~

I hear you guys nabbed another nice pike on your lake. How 'bout them eyes? Ever do well on your water through the ice? Brother Scott wants to give it a try Tuesday evening. Not sure where the spot with the best odds would be. Woodman's?

Happy New Year............GC

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Graybuck ~ My Red Lake trip was poor for crappies (1) but good if you wanted to catch some walleyes and perch. Actually, two of us kept about two-dozen perch that were in the 9" range. I think they're getting a tad bigger on Red. Sure didn't look very big when I was cleaning them though! We went out of Hillman's and stopped about 1/2 mile short of everyone else, just to see what was there but it turned out to be a bad call. Usually the crowds are there for a reason.

Re: Swan Lake. I went out last night for a couple hours and couldn't catch a walleye. Fished the NE corner near Heyblom's just to try something different (again). All I caught was a small pike and a tullibee. Cloudy water and wet ice.

Greg C.

P.S. Thanks to the Walsh Gang for the nice photos. You sure do well out there.

P.S.S. Scouts are heading that way, eh? If I have some time, I'll stop by and say HELLO! Used to be a scout myself.

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thanks for the report on split hand!

We landed and returned a couple nice northerns,12,15,17,........had a nice walleye up to the hole near the sunken island. Tryed all over for crappies, no luck

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Thanks Mike ~ Like I wrote earlier, we're planning on giving it a shot for the eyes Tuesday night. Crappies are a possibility as well. Who knows? I might even head that way this afternoon and listen to the Vikings game at the same time!!


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Did you get up to Red the other day? I was on Swan the other night, not fishing, just talked to some guys fishing. The walleyes are being tight lipped, mostly perch being caught. Those walleyes gotta be there somewhere.
Mary Ann'gler
The Scouts will be next door this coming weekend for some fun on Buck.

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We will be doing our planning for the outing tonite and I will let them know about the water. Any fish biting out front? I wonder if there is even enough snow to bank up for the slide.
Stop by and say hi, we watch movies, eat good, slide, and do some fishing. This is one of the highlights the boys look forward to each winter.

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I'm coming up trout'n on the opener(17th), depending on the weather, will either make the hike or do as we did last year. Interested in joining me? I'll probably be all by my lonesome again. I also plan on hitting a couple other lakes in the area for my three day weekend.

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I do want to get out that weekend for some trout, I can't make it on Sat. I am going to Cass Lake that day for ice rescue training. Do you want to fish everclear on Sun.????
Did you fish Jessie over the holidays?

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Graybuck: I think this is another bust for the slide again....unless we get more SNOW!

Greg: Sonfish Mike and I got up WAY before the crack of dawn to go and fish Deer up by Togoland....total fish caught...1 perch that was about double the size of the crappie minnow we presented! Mike and I were impressed by ....the plowed highway of ours...from 52 north! We won't say a word about hwy 1...Deer was slush city! Not good at all for my Mukluks!
Duffman! As I was white knuckling my ride home in truck with son as driver...I was telling this kid...wanna try for a trout sometime? We are definitely in the area~He was game...I have no clue! Never caught one of them! Is Larson a good one for him to try?

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That throws a little wrinkle in my opener battle plans, but it should work out just fine for Everclear on Sunday. I'll see if the father-in-law wants to join us. I might try a closer lake for Saturday. I'll give ya a call before heading up.

Mary Ann'gler....
The last two state record Splake came out of Larson, I've never been there, but always wanted to try it. You guys should try some of the Range pit lakes that hold trout. I'll e-mail ya a couple other suggestions and tactics.

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Bret: The funky pickumup fishhouse is now on Bowstring...the guys did bring home some fish from it today...and...I didn't have to filet them!!!!

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