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Hi Dave! Hope you're doing well! Did you get out on our crappie lake any more and get any real slabs?

Hey, would you mind letting me know what ice conditions look like on that lake by your house for this upcoming weekend? Not likely things would work out but might possibly be able to make it for friday-saturday.

Thanks! Take care!

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hey sloop! things are good. with rifle season winding down, a week full of honey do's and buisness to tend to, before muslim loader season.
i will take a look at the lake this week and try to keep tabs on it for ya. i havn't even seen it for a few days, but the last time i saw, it was wide open, after being nearly froze shut over a week ago.
i only got out and got 1 of those slabs, and she is in the freezer. if i think of it, i will check that lake out too.
take care. jigglestick

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Dave! Sounds like you got about a foot of snow in your area. Probably better for the ice if the lake was open when you got all that snow. Sounds like the lake won't be ready by this coming weekend, but thanks and please continue to keep me informed!

You think you know where to go in the winter on our slab lake?

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sloop, i have only fished that lake one time in the winter. i had no idea what i was doing(still not to sure grin.gif )didn't have much luck. with todays technologies, and all the expertise lended to me by the great crappie fishing guru, kelly p. we are sure to catch some crappies there some day!! really it isn't that big of a lake, so we should be able to get into some fish fairly easy. the deepest hole is right out in front. 40 feet or so. i am looking forward to it.
if the wind dies down, i think moose will ice over tonight. if not it will take another day or so. all the other lakes that were iced over, and reopened, were showing signs of locking up today.
i will keep in touch.

summer is just the dog days of winter jigglestick I.B.O.T.#5 have you clamped today???

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sloop, moose is froze over again. couple days now. we will keep in touch and let you know the secret spot wink.gif

keep your 9 iron on the ice!! jigglestick I.B.O.T.#5 have you clamped today???

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Hey Dave! Yeah, let me know. I can probably get off work, with very short notice, for a couple of days. If you're free and once the ice is good, I'll be ready to roll. My 20 year old is available too, during the week.
Have a great Thanksgiving! Hopefully see you somewhere on the ice soon. I think our shhh! lake will be a good challenge for you during the winter.

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hey sloop, shhh...4 eyes tonight wink.gif
sure felt nice smile.gif

keep your 9 iron on the ice!! jigglestick I.B.O.T.#5 have you clamped today???

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Great news! Congrats.

Send me an e-mail ([email protected]) with details. Don't think I have your e-mail anymore. I think I still have your phone #, maybe I'll try calling later. Is it still pretty risky for ice depth or worth coming up?

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dave im back on the forum finally. get a hold of me and we'll plan some fishin im goin this weekend if your interested

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hey there gr. thought you got eaten by a man eating crappie or something. thank god you are alright!
the smoke pole season is bestowed upon me along with all the frustrations that come along with late season hunting. saturday i had a nicebigdoe and a fawn come by me like a frieght train. nothing sunday, then today as i am walking out to my secret spot, before daylight, i am just walking along the trail looking down, traveling by moon light only, when for some reason i look up. low and behold the stands a deer broadside in the trail 20 yards away licking his...ah... er... well his .. parts. i was so surprised, that by the time i got done saying "hey, there's a deer right there licking his .. parts!", he looked up and much to his embarassment, well have you ever heard of rudolph the red nosed reindeer? well this was randolph the red faced reindeer shocked.gif
i mean realy, what an awkward situation. kinda like walking in on someone in the can...ooops...pardon me. and as he, his red face ,and squeaky clean parts bounded away, all i could do was laugh.
i gotta get some sleep. yesterday i saw a stump in the middle of the trail walk away from me???
one big fish the other day by the way,clocked in at 27 ". no camera, but four witnesses smile.gif down the hole she went.

keep your 9 iron on the ice!! jigglestick I.B.O.T.#5 have you clamped today???

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you were close it was hacker crappies they sabotaged my puter, i heard they tapped into an underwater cable line and used a puter soem poor sucker lost when his car went through the ice on red. da triangle strikes again aghhhhhhhhhhhh. hehehehe. so what do you think about fishin this weekend? let me know what ya think. and thats a dandy eye did ya get him right down the road? ill bring the extension you drive. hahahaha oh ya i'll walk behind far behind.

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Hey Jigglestick!

Did the man-eating crappie get you? Haven't heard back from you in a while and got concerned ;> ) You've got mail!

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