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Turtle is O.k. for smallies, try Leeches or Spinner baits on the rocky points. I havent had much luck on turtle.

I never vote for, I alawys vote against

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Turtle for smallies has been very productive for me. Find some rock points and have fun. There are some monsters in there. It's a clear lake so topwater in the low-light hours can be your best bet. I've fished walleyes there w/ minimal success.
Hey Big Island Dude,
How's Big Island been? I haven't fished the area since 4th of July (I always go to Big Ole as you probably recall). I think Iron Man and I are coming up the weekend of Sept. 19th. CAN'T WAIT! If you're going to be there, we should hook up.

Coach Dog

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Coach Dog-
I am up this weekend, and friday was slow, it
was probably the weather. I did catch a buzz though. I will report on the rest of the weekend later. I will most likely be up on the 19th,
I have been up every weekend.The fishing has been GREAT this summer. I have also fished other Small lakes that have been good, I just dont want to say the names online.We definitly Should meet for a cold one and swap stories. Email me at--- --- so we can arrange a fishing outing or... a drinking outing.

Turtle is a pretty lake, good for familys, and lots of water to fish. My freinds and I have caught some decent northerns and some good smallies. But...
If you are looking for Great fishing try to go off the beatin path a liitle bit. You will do much Better, There are twelve hundered lakes in Itasca, and the best ones no one has heard of.

I never vote for, I alawys vote against

[This message has been edited by BIG ISLAND DUDE (edited 09-16-2004).]

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Big Island Dude-
Congratulations on the catch on friday (the buzz you caught)! That is one thing that we ALWAYS catch up there. I'll let you know as soon as I find out whether we are going to be there for sure or not. Right now I would say the chances are 90%. I think we are going to come up there and do some early season goose hunting in the am, before we go after catching our buzz of course. Then we plan on doing lots of fishing. If Iron Man can get a day off, we'll probably come up the 18th.
Coach Dog

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If I didn't have a place on Ole, I'd be looking into one on Turtle. I may anyway! I love that lake. Great smallie action year-round, good walleyes if you know where to find them, and some monster toothed critters. Babe Winkleman once called Turtle his "favorite lake in the world for smallies." Or so my uncle tells me. I believe it. It's gorgeous and the fishing is fantastic! Have fun.

As for the rest of you yahoos, I'll see you on the 19th wink.gif. We should definitely all get together up there. We've certainly talked about it long enough. Let's see if we can't get something arranged. Looking forward to meeting the Big Island crew!

Fish On!

Iron Man

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P.S. I'll be up there this weekend "laboring" over a cold one. Have a great weekend!

Fish On!

Iron Man

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seaner7 and Big Island Dude-
You guys going to be up there this weekend? Iron Man and I will be over at Big Ole. We should hook up. Or at least meet @ Ritchie's for a beverage or two. Any good fishing reports?

Coach Dog

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I am trying to make it up there this weekend. I have to go to blackduck on saturday. If I do make it up there I should be at richies friday and saturday night. I will be the guy with the backwords twins hat. I am hoping to try out my new gauge this weekend. I havent been up in a couple weeks, but I am sure the fishin is good.

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Well, I'll be the other guy with a backwards Twins hat! Sounds like you and I have similar trademarks. Hopefully we'll see you Saturday night. Go Twins!!!!

Fish On!

Iron Man

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Big Island Dude,
Iron Man and I were up there a couple weeks ago. Fishing was pretty darn good. Lots of bass and northern, and Iron Man caught a largemouth about 4.5 lbs. We tried a little grouse hunting w/ no success, but didn't hit it very hard. I see you posted over in the grouse forum and have had some luck this year. When we were out a couple weeks ago (around Big Ole), we heard quite a bit of shooting. That's a good sign.
Anyway, we're coming up there again on friday 10/10 (late) and doing some hunting and fishing again for one last time for the year. You going to be up? We looked for you in Ritch-Dogs but you mentioned you had to go to Blackduck. Later.

Coach Dog

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  • 3 weeks later...

how come when I type a reply to a topic and I accidently screw up on my password, and I hit the back button, I lose every thing that I have typed? anyways...

CoachDog and Iron Man or Whomever,

I havent had a chance to get on the forum lately. I have been up at the lake the last two weekends and the fishing has been amazing, to say the least. Two weeks ago my buddy{seaner7} caught a 22" smallie [6lbs or so], we also caught a few 4-5lb largies and lots of nice 12"-16" bass. Last weekend my freind and I sat on a rocky point, 3'-10' of water and in about two hrs we landed 5 largys, lots of bites and broken lines, the smallest was 4.5lbs and largest was closer to 6lbs. The Northerns have been unusually slow for me but we did land a couple last weekend one real nice one. We have even managed a few nice crappies. Fall fishing is the best.


I never vote for, I alawys vote against

[This message has been edited by BIG ISLAND DUDE (edited 10-24-2003).]

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