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hey grfm, i feel kinda dumb, but i forgot your first name.... confused.gif any way i saw some one called from your number yesterday. couldn't figure out who it was. i felt like crap yesterday, but started feeling a little more human by the after noon, so we went out on our little lake over here. we did o.k.
then sat by the fire till 11:00. we are heading to red some time this morning. we wont be back till later tonight. tomorrow would be a good bet to get together. i may try to call you from the truck on the way up to red. or on the lake while we are hammering them big slabs grin.gif or you could try to call me this morning too. what ever works.
later, jigglestick...

keep your drinks on ice!!! jigglestick I.B.O.T.#5 have you clamped today???

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Hey jigglestick! It was great meeting you (and Andrew) last weekend. Thanks for the help!
The walleyes weren't cooperating on Moose very well (3 walleyes in two full days of fishing) but we ended up going to Winnie and doing well later in the week. I think Moose will pick up ion the nesxt week or two with some warmer weather.
Let me know if you need a fishing partner any more weekends this year. Pigsticka and I could maybe make a trip up if you're interested.
Also,my family and I will be up for another week in August at Cedarwild resort. I'll let you know when we're coming in case something works out.
It was fun for Nathan to go out in your 'Barge'. Nathan says thanks but he wants you to work on your netting tecnique!
;> ) Just rufflin' your feathers!

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hey sloop! it was fun taking you guys out. i wish i would have had more time earlier. joe came up kind of last minute. we went out quite a bit this last weekend. we did real well also. sunday we caught 5 eyes during the day, and went back out after dark, and got 11 more! i only got 1 or 2, and goose did about the same. the boys got all the rest smile.gif man were they having fun. i caught about a 4 or 5 pound muskie close to where nathan caught his. i saw two more about 20 lbs, and 25 lbs!! the big one was in 10 feet with cabage honing in on a crippled perch. way cool. drop me a mail.
grfm--you should have come our way. we had a blast sunday. i lost you on the phone, i have that wonderful cell one service frown.gif it doesn't work very well by me. i will be going out saturday if you are interested. it should be fun, as long as the weather stays good. just fyi, we went to wabana on monday to fish sunnies, and we got about a dozen borderline to nice ones. they were not in heavy yet. another week or so i think.
one more trout lake to try, would be nickle. easy to get a canoe into, and fairly decent fishing from shore too. nice fish to boot.
drop me a line or mail if you want to go on saturday.

keep your drinks on ice!!! jigglestick I.B.O.T.#5 have you clamped today???

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Man, what a blast watching the boys pounding the wallys!Thanks again to the Jigglestick clan for yet another GREAT weekend!

The Gooseslayer I.B.O.T #4
"Clamp till it feels good!"

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jiggle sat would workk oout great but i cant get oout till after 4 or 5 pm the wife has to work so i got the kids. let me know if this will work for you.

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grfm, that should work out just fine. hopefully the weather plays on our side. i'll try to call you on my way home tomorrow nite. smile.gif

keep your drinks on ice!!! jigglestick I.B.O.T.#5 have you clamped today???

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