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I was just wondering if anybody has heard if the smelt are running at Pokegama yet. If anybody has heard if they are please let me know, I would appreciate it.

Thank You!
The Walleye

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A couple of my buddies checked it out Monday night and they said it looked like people have been down there checking things out. They didn't see any evidence of any smelt being caught though. We're talking about checking it out either Thursday or Friday night. I think it may be a bit early yet, but who knows? Let's try to keep eachother posted so we know when the run is on.


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hey a couple buddies of mine were there last sat and got only one but we are planning to go back thurs to see how there running mondays warm temp should bring them in.

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Was out there last weekend and saw only a dozen. I'll be out there tomorrow night checking it out. The ice is really coming off with this wind and the warm weather the other day surely helped. There should be some running this weekend. May your nets overflow.

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Where do you guys smelt off of Pokegama? Is it on the south side? What turn is it off 169? I plan on smelting for the first time in years and was wondering where exactly to go. Any info would really help.

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sugar creek, of the southwest side of pokegama. turn west off 169, towards sugar hills. then you have to take a smaller gravel road to the right. i forget the number of the road, but i could drive right to it. any way, i'm sure some body here knows the road number. just park some where by where the creek crosses the road, and walk down stream on either side, and join the masses. if they are running, there will be a zillion people. my experience, is stay til after the main crowds split. once the lanterns and noise subside, by the mouth, then they come up stream, given the correct water temp. i have also heard of people getting barrels full by pokegama bridge under the bridge, and if this makes any sense, i have also heard of people seining on the islands?? don't ask me, i have never tried. who knows...maybe. good luck to all

keep your drinks on ice!!! jigglestick I.B.O.T.#5 have you clamped today???

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This may sound like a dumb question, but are you huys talkin about lake pokegama? Smelt? I was under the impression that smelt ran in the streams out of the great lakes. I have spend a lot of time around grand rapids, so was just wondering.

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Lunker....There's a smaller run that happens at Sugar creek between Poky and Sugar. Had some fantastic nights out there right when everyone left and the lanterns went away. Usually around 3 AM.

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I was out there last night, from about 8:30 till about 10:30 and saw 1. I talked to some other people and it sounded like the big run hasn't started yet. I think the weather has been too cold. I'm gonna take a night off during the week I think and spend an all nighter out there. Hopefully the weather warms up a bit.


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Imagine that mwktrapper, that's the story of my life!!!!!!!!! I'm stuck working this weekend and promised "date night" to the wife on monday and am planning on doing an all nighter out there Wed. What time did they run?


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I checked a few spots tonight but too many people. They were only getting one here and one there. Too much commotion.I'll wait till the crowds leave then I'll move in. Hey jigglestick long time no see. IBOT#9 Red Lake Chapter

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hey roadkill grin.gif wasn't that a good time?? smile.gif that mother theresa is a bad influence on me!! i was pretty foggy friday. good thing i didn't have to work! have you gotten into the smelts yet?? sounds like maybe the only place anybody will get them this season?? frown.gif it is supposed to warm up this week a little. i hope they are not all done before i get there. i am coming up thursday night, with goose slayer, and betsy ross right on my heels. they are going to be up for the weekend. maybe see you down by the creek?

keep your drinks on ice!!! jigglestick I.B.O.T.#5 have you clamped today???

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BMC, My life story is worse then yours, it was the only night I didn't go out this whole weekend. I've talked to 3 different groups now that filled the beds of their pickups that night, from 1:00 through after 3:00. Right when that rain stopped they ran hard. Last night was slow again, we'll see what tonight provides. Scoop em up boys.

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They were running hard last night for about an hour right away. Would of been a great night but the wind was blowing so hard it blew the ice right up to the mouth and just shut them smelt off. They really wanted to run though so once that ice is gone there they'll be up.

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