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I really enjoy this area and have fished walleyes on all 5 lakes. Some of the biggest fish I have ever caught and released have come from these lakes. Any conversations about these lakes would be welcomed!

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My in-laws have a cabin on Side Lake just south of Bimbos. I really enjoy the lakes, but the walleyes in there have me skunked. I've only fished them a handful of times, but I've yet to catch a walleye. Bass, panfish and pike are pretty easy to come by. Do you have any suggestions for me?


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I've done pretty good for crappies in the bay on Side and pretty good for walleyes in front of the campground. There's a weed line that runs parallel to the campground right up until the bay and it always seems to be good even when there's lots of boat traffic. As far as the big lake is concerned, this is the best walleye factory I know of anywhere in this area. Lots of structure and lots of possibilities. The interesting fact regarding the Sturgeon chain is that the fish in almost all of these lakes migrate during different times of the year and hold in locations co-insiding to those times of year. E-mail me about specifics and I will share with you where I have had wonderful success.

I bet your craving a Bimbo's pizza and wings much like myself?

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Fishing most of the day and then Bimbos pizza, wings and beer - is their anything better???

Shoot me an email - my email address is [email protected].

P-bay on Side lake has produced some nice crappies from me. I've tried the weedline you're speaking of in front of the campground and can't seem to get anything. I've tried lindy rigs with leeches, minnows and crawlers. I've also tried casting crankbaits.

Maybe we can hook up this spring and you can show me the ropes.


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George's special! Man that sounds good. I had one in January when I was back fishing that area. I wonder if Jack or George would send me some frozen pizzas up here in Alaska?..$$$$...I have a cabin on Big Sturgeon just left of the point as you leave West Sturgeon and are heading through the narrows into the big lake by the sunken island. Talked to my brother a couple of days ago and he did good for crappies on West, but hasn't been doing all that good on Side in the evenings. I remember right at dark when those slabs would cruise into the bay and I would be running hole to hole to keep up with them. Beauties! I've been spending my summers up here doing research, but 3 years ago I was on the big lake before a cold front and released a 31" and a 33" eye in the middle of the day. Huge fish! The next day on West I caught a 27" and a 29" in the rain. I'll never forget those 2 days. Great photos. Dammit! Really craving some wings now, oh well I will have a beer and pretend, hehe!

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Spend a lot of my summer fishing on this chain. We have a cabin on Little Sturgeon and have fished 1000's of hours on all of the lakes. B.S. is a "factory" for just about every specie. Good walleye, crappie and big northerns. 2 biggest pike I ever caught were on B.S. 43" 20+ lber 3 yrs ago and a 16 lber this winter.

I was up on the ice on B.S. last weekend and the water level is a the lowest I've ever seen for this time of year. I doubt that you could get a canoe between B.S. and L.S. Hopefully, we'll get some rain before opener otherwise it could be tough going.

It's Friday and I think I'll go to Bimbo's tonite for wings/pizza (George's Special!)

[This message has been edited by Hibbing (edited 03-28-2003).]

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