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I was wondering if anyone out there has tried the warm water dischare at MPL.. I have in the past taken quite a few good sized crappies from there right about this time of the year.

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Not only gills but if you feel like harassing bass you will find some big ones as well. This does not make the officer happy though.

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Are you talking about right at the culvert there? It has been a while since I was over there, it seems like there always a lot of people in there, is this still the case? I have thought about bringing the kids over there, but I figured it would be hard to find room for them.

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That would be the one. Nice fish in there. I was in there durring the last good snow and caught some nice crappies. Not too many though.

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Hey guys, I up There earlier this winter trying for bass and the other guy that was there was doing pretty well on gills. What are you throwing for them, minnows or just grubs, I was thinking on taking my 5 yr old boy up there for a little gill time.

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I was there on Tuesday afternoon and caught about 20 gills, nothing very big though. I only caught them in one little spot though. I'm guessing there's not alot of them up in the channel right now. There were a couple guys there catching some nice largemouth....all fun and games till the C.O. pays ya' a visit. LOL
Watched a pair of goldeneyes on the river doing their spring courting ritual, man what a pretty duck they are.
OOOOOPS! I was at the "hot pond" on Monday and Bass Lake Tuesday. grin.gif


[This message has been edited by bmc (edited 04-02-2003).]

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BMC, clarification please. Yesterday you were on Bass Lake, but on Tuesday (yesterday? or last Tuesday) you were at the warm water discharge? Sounds like fun in both places.

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BMC - never mind I answered my own question. I'm relative new to the area and didn't understand the warm water discharge location. Interesting posts. Keep up the reporting.

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Not too many in there yet no. I was getting crappies using a painted hook and two wax worms hung from a bobber. Yes the bass are there and eating as well. Good sized and fun to catch. I hope to get there again soon.

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can you be more specific on the location of the warm water discharge you're referring to..i'm new to the area, would appreciate the info..if you'd like to trade info for spots on mille lacs, winnie, vermillion, or leech i'd love to trade, i've tourny fished all four...thanxs, bigjim

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Big Jim, You go to Cohasset and head tward the MPL power plant. As you get to the plant take a left to the boat landing. On the right side of the road there you will see a fence and a trail to the left of it. Follow the trail and you will see the calvert and the warm water. This is the place you are looking for. You will find the bass in the cover and the crappies and gills where they want to be at the time. Hope to hear that you do well.

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Has there been a lot of people down there yet? I'm thinking of heading down there this evening.

good fishin

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From what I've seen the 2 times I've been down there, there hasn't been alot of traffic yet. The weekends and after school are usually busy, so I try to get there during "off peak" times. With the supposedly warm weather this week, things should pick up down there I would think.


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I will be up in Rapids on Wed. 4/7/03. Im looking for a easy shore spot to catch anything just to pass some time. Any suggestions? How can I get to the spot listed above? Thanks.

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northlander, it is easy to find. drive through grand rapids, to cohasett. just past bob's bar,next left turn after the light, follow that road west about 3/4 mile or so towards minnesota power. there should be a sign. there also should be a sign for the landing. turn left again(south) to the landing. park where ever you find a spot. when standing on the ramp looking at the water, look to the right, there is a trail that follows the fence. follow it back to the end. you will probably see other fisherpersons. fish the pool any where.
good luck, have fun.

keep your stick on the ice!!! jigglestick I.B.O.T.#5

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Thanks Jigglestick! Ill be up there fishing about 4-4;30 pm. Stop by if you are up that way. Any other spots you recomend. Directions?

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Hey northlander, let us know of your luck after you give it a try. Hope you do well.

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Yep thats how. I make diamond willow canes, walkingstick and furniture. Never done any Birdseye. Email me [email protected]. Tell me what your looking for.

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We tried the discharge and caught a lot of small gills and a few bass. Saw a few suckers and big bass caught. Some kids were throwing 6 inch worms for them. Mr. C.O. probably would have frowned on it!
A guy in a boat was getting some crappies and nicer gills down by the tree where it starts to open up. Our best bait was waxies under a bobber 2.5 ft.
Not a spot worth driving for but fun to kill a couple hours.

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Willowmaker, How did you get your name? Im looking for someone to make canes for me out of Birdseye or some other cool wood.

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hey Northlander,

I totally agree with ya', but if you hit it right, you'll be presently surprised......I guarantee it. I'm not so sure I'd eat any outta there though. Your pee may glow in the dark for a week or two after your meal. LOL


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I used to live in Deer River and never knew about this spot.Hmmm, how many honey holes did I miss?( dont answer ) I dont want to know haha.


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I was down there today from 12:30 to about 3:30 and saw the craziest S.O.B. I've ever seen in my life. Some guy was down there on the big log that comes out of the west bank and caught a 25-30 lb snapping turtle with his bare hand, grabbed it by the tail. He then drug it up on land and cut it's head off! Can you say turtle stew? LOL He seemed to know what he was doing and said he does this alot and YES! he did have all of his finger's still. grin.gif
Anyways, it seems there's alot more gills in there now and quite a few largemouth bass. I saw a dandy bass caught today, probably 5 lb range. I caught probably 20-30 gills but nothing to get excited about.


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Ya theres nice bass in there. I think I saw that turtle yesterday. The gills were small. I saw 2 crappie by that tree but couldnt catch any.
Is that area any good for walleyes ever? Worth bringing up my boat from Duluth?

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The walleyes come up there but not often.Sounds like the fish are there. I have not had a chance to make it lately. Doing some trim out on a house in Rosedale on weekends

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