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Anyone have GPS coords for cribs on Bowstring

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Just starting to plan a trip to the string. Looking for GPS coordinates for any of the cribs on the lake ! Any info would be much app. OLE

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Greg...GPS coordinates gotta be worth $100.00! Especially on Bowstring. You been fishing Cani pit? Finally talked to someone who seen one of those big trout, said it swam right by. Only one caught from what I hear. March is coming!!

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Several of the cribs I fish or used to fish on bowstring are now deteriorated to the point that they do not act much as an attraction for the crappies out there anymore. My best luck has been to search the breaks that break from the mid twenties down to the thirties. The pods of fish generally drift up and down these breaks and are readily visible on the sonar.

Currently there is a strong batch of 8-10 oz fish with a fine showing of good ones. Hopefully we will have good recruitment into the following years, although the fishing pressure is increasing weekly.


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A friend of mine was fishing the cribs last weekend without any luck at all. I have coordinates but they aren't right on. Just a general location. If you want these, e-mail me with your e-address.

When's your trip there?


Jaw Breaker Guide Service
Phone: 218 778-0087
[email protected]

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