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When targeting crappie what is the best lure/bait to use in order to avoid catching rock bass, but still catch crappie?  This has been a challenge for us lately.  We locate the crappie, but they tend to be with a large amount of rock bass.  There are times we will catch 4 (or more) rock bass to every crappie.  Any advice is much appreciated. 

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I share your pain, I haven't run across much they wont try to eat.  Even off of the dock, when sunnies are being finicky for the kids, the rock bass always seem to be willing to bite when the others just stare.  The kids don't mind, but when I'm jigging/Lindy rigging with leech or fathead or trolling with a crawler rig, Rock Bass are constantly machine gunning the bait. Only suggestion I have is to start keepin' em.  I know they're perceived as the lesser fish because they're dumb and always speckled with neascus, but just like the crappies you're chasing, they taste like whatever you fry them in :)

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Just accept it. You can't avoid them. I catch them, both big and small while trolling large rapalas for pike. They go after everything!

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