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No different from the norm I grew up with (late 80's - late 90's). I quit hunting too for about 5 years in my late teens early 20's because of it too. Had I not befriended a few hunters in college I may have never got back into it.

It's in the DNR's best interest to have higher deer populations if they want to retain hunters and recruit new ones. Let's hope the suits running the show realize that.

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My kids are growing into the sport right now. They know no different. This is the norm they will get to know..

To them it is what it is. This is deer hunting.


Get an entire generation of hunters used to this type of hunting and its what they'll expect. What sucks is that those of us who used to hunt in places with an actual deer herd who move here get pretty friggin' frustrated crazy Its pretty sad to think that THIS is what many folks in MN think deer hunting is supposed to be like.

Oh well, I'll suck it up for however long I live in this deer desert and never look back when I get the chance to move on to a state with a DNR/F&G who actually value their deer herd.


It's in the DNR's best interest to have higher deer populations if they want to retain hunters and recruit new ones. Let's hope the suits running the show realize that.

Yes indeed!!

My area 172 had a decent population 2010-2012. It is pretty poor now. Fields that used to hold 20-30 deer on a drive by in July now have 3 or 4.

I think a lot of the areas should have made the sacrifice this year and been bucks only. We could have had one year with very few deer shot, increased doe numbers, and possibly a much better season next year. But instead, we went half way with lottery, letting kids and bow hunters wack away. Some of the hunters did ok this weekend and others did quite poor. Next season is already lining up to be quite poor as well.


Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Has any body heard about a dnr employee in deer management that was fired for taking bribes from insurance company's? Apparently he was keeping certain areas at intensive harvest etc to lower deer numbers for insurance companys...I don't know if true so not saying is true, the person I heard it from said his name etc and sure sounded like he knew what he was saying. Not sure when sounded like last year or even more recent....

After working for an auto insurance company for several years I can assure you that the odds of that happening are very low. I worked in the department that would have been the ones doing the bribing in a case like that as it was our jobs to set rates and manage claim losses. I won't get into all the nitty gritty details but there are a million reasons why it wouldn't make any sense to bribe a DNR official in an attempt to reduce claim losses due to deer accidents. There are plenty of legal ways insurance companies protect themselves from various risks whether they be deer, weather, fraud, bad drivers, etc.

Besides there being other alternatives the numbers just wouldn't make sense. I just don't see any one company insuring enough drivers in one small area that it would provide enough of a financial incentive to risk criminal charges and government intervention. They would be risking far more than they could ever gain.


Glad to hear that! I hope it wouldn't happen, why I asked people incase was true and others heard it to confirm it.


Could be wrong but I though it was also due to very dry conditions, and high fire danger.. I don't believe they would ever completly close a season due to "low " numbers

I don't see anything in here about dry conditions...just bad winters and over harvest of does http://www.startribune.com/sports/outdoors/133044308.html

A quote from another source:

The five words that would bring any deer hunter to tears were spoken in 1971, “deer hunting season is closed”. Fierce winters and unregulated hunting depleted deer numbers severely. Thus the season was closed in an attempt to form regulations and restabilize the herd.

After a five year hiatus, 1976 was the year antlerless permits were introduced. A specific number of does and fawns were allowed to be hunted in each of the 120 permit areas. Biologists reviewed density charts, then adjusted the amount of permits given according to population levels wanted.

Sure seems to me like closing the season this year (or next) is a discussion worth having. If not a closure, a complete elimination of antlerless harvest in the northern half of the state would/should be discussed.


500.000 hunters × $31.00 license = $15,500.00....thats not including any bonus tags bow or muzzle loading hunters.....NEVER EVER HAPPEN!


500.000 hunters × $31.00 license = $15,500.00....thats not including any bonus tags bow or muzzle loading hunters.....NEVER EVER HAPPEN!

Wow, getting fancy here!

Try again.


$15.5 million btw.

The largest impact on not having a deer season is to the economy's of the towns where deer hunters hunt. Bars, cafes, restaurants, stores etc. At least for the traveling hunter which I'd guess is 1/3-1/2 of the 500,000. Let's say it's 200,000 hunters who each spend $100 or more most likely. Big number to local small towns.

The numbers aren't going to get better without having does to have fawns, better mortality by getting lucky with at least two mellow Winters in a row. I'd scratch bow hunters and muzzy guys to be able to take does as a start. I don't bow hunt as much as I used to but even in our cruddy area I'd wager I could shoot a doe or more every year with my bow if I wanted to.

  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

No different from the norm I grew up with (late 80's - late 90's). I quit hunting too for about 5 years in my late teens early 20's because of it too. Had I not befriended a few hunters in college I may have never got back into it.

You know you quit for part of High school and college cuse other things were more important like chasing girls and boozing! grin



Bottom line you guys can argue it all day it won't happen...anybody thinking they will close the firearms season is kidding themselves! It's a different world from the 70's and way too much money involved. Its already Bucks only or lottery (with veey few tags given) in a large part of the state, maybe go to statewide buck only but never closed. Majority of guys will still hunt no matter how bad hunting is we do it for the enjoyment to get away and spend time with buddies/families its not always about getting a deer (but that would be nice!).


easy winter and the population could basically double.

nasty winter and the population could shrink.


I cant find it but I know I have seen that deer hunting is a 4 billion industry to the state... or it could have been hunting in general. Either way, deer hunting is the vast majority of whatever the number is.

Never happen. So we should focus on what we CAN do to ensure long term quality deer hunting.


easy winter and the population could basically double.

So we are at about a million deer this year prehunt.... if we have an easy winter you are saying we go to about 2 million deer?

You might want to check the math on that prediction. I think you have a few holes you might want to patch up in the formula.


I should clarify my point. I don't believe the DNR should close the season, but I think if this year's harvest comes in as low as it's trending, and if this winter is about as brutal as last year, I believe it is something the DNR will at least to put on the table for discussion...

They were predicting a harvest of about 120K this year. So far, we've only registered 67,000 for archery and firearms. In a typical year about 70% of the total harvest is opening weekend of the firearms season, so we have a long way to go to get there. By my calculations we'll be lucky to break 90K.


So we are at about a million deer this year prehunt.... if we have an easy winter you are saying we go to about 2 million deer?

You might want to check the math on that prediction. I think you have a few holes you might want to patch up in the formula.

million deer?

prehunt vs after hunt.

think some more.


The area i am hunting this year once again; has tons of deer. No need to close the season there. It would be nice if it would finally go from a lottery zone to at least a hunters choice zone. SW MN. There's no way the bucks can breed all the does in that area. You see 10 does to every buck. It's crazy lopsided.


I wonder how many of the people complaining of low deer numbers took advantage of bonus and intensive harvest permits in the past?my guess would be nearly everyone..

I remember when deer numbers were too high and on a trip from Brainerd to Blackduck we counted 21 road kills, not sure that's were we want our numbers at either.


The area i am hunting this year once again; has tons of deer. No need to close the season there. It would be nice if it would finally go from a lottery zone to at least a hunters choice zone. SW MN. There's no way the bucks can breed all the does in that area. You see 10 does to every buck. It's crazy lopsided.

In those areas wouldn't it make sense to do what most states d and make it a Buck Lottery? Boy that would cause a stir with all the horn hunters.


The area i am hunting this year once again; has tons of deer. No need to close the season there. It would be nice if it would finally go from a lottery zone to at least a hunters choice zone. SW MN. There's no way the bucks can breed all the does in that area. You see 10 does to every buck. It's crazy lopsided.

The biggest problem I am having with deer management is that you will probably go from lottery to intensive harvest. I have always had a problem with intensive harvest. I think it drops the population too fast, then a bad winter or 2 and the population crashes. I know that the data doesn't support many people taking 5 deer, but once you can take 5 deer, your whole mindset of deer hunting changes. Just like a lot of people are finding out now with only getting one deer tag throughout most of the state. The experience is different when you have one tag and its "the tag" compared to having 5 tags in your pocket. I would also argue that how hunters see deer is different as well. 5 tags makes deer seem like varmints, a nuisance animal, why even register them. One tag makes you feel lucky to even see a deer. I dont' think anyone in the state should EVER be able to harvest more than 3 deer in a season. The 5 deer intensive harvest is causes too big a shift in the population, especially on consecutive years, and in conjunction with harsh winters. More gradual drops or increases in population would work much better, also decreasing the effect mother nature might play. I think right now the DNR is too extreme on both sides. Not quiet enough and it's all lottery, a few too many and it's intensive harvest.


million deer?

prehunt vs after hunt.

think some more.

prehunt... about a million according to the DNR.... we will come in at a kill of 100k this year.... so still about a million will be alive after the season ends....

Whats about a million??? Your guess is as good as mine, but double whatever it is, and you are saying it could be 2 million next year. Thats some good recruitment.


I wonder how many of the people complaining of low deer numbers took advantage of bonus and intensive harvest permits in the past?my guess would be nearly everyone..

No doubt. How many people of the deer hunting population follow forums, read DNR reports, spend lots of time in the woods.... etc.... Sadly, the vast majority are weekend warriors I am afraid... how are those people going to make any informed decisions? They are told here is what you can shoot and they do it.

Ask 100 people what the DNR prehunt population estimates are for the previous 10 years, what the population goals are for each area, what the overall harvest totals were over that same period of time, etc....

Very few know it, and how many would even know where to go find the info? Not very many.

People trust what they are given. And here we are now.


prehunt... about a million according to the DNR.... we will come in at a kill of 100k this year.... so still about a million will be alive after the season ends....

Whats about a million??? Your guess is as good as mine, but double whatever it is, and you are saying it could be 2 million next year. Thats some good recruitment.

I think to the DNR "about a million" means anywhere from 500k to 2 million grin


think of it this way.

10 deer.

5 are does and average twins = 15

3 are fawns and have 1 between them = 4

2 are bucks = 2

10 deer turn into 21 with max recruitment (easy winter). i don't care what the state population is or anybody says it is.


think of it this way.

10 deer.

5 are does and average twins = 15

3 are fawns and have 1 between them = 4

2 are bucks = 2

10 deer turn into 21 with max recruitment (easy winter). i don't care what the state population is or anybody says it is.

Twin fawns around here have been rare the last few years. Last I checked the recruitment rate the DNR states is 1.9, that's not going into season...that's at fawn drop. Consider fawn mortality before season starts and you're a lot closer to 1 than 2. I have not had any doe fawns drop fawns the following year the last several years either, so throw that number out.

Your 21 becomes a lot closer to my 15


No doubt. How many people of the deer hunting population follow forums, read DNR reports, spend lots of time in the woods.... etc.... Sadly, the vast majority are weekend warriors I am afraid... how are those people going to make any informed decisions? They are told here is what you can shoot and they do it.

We pay people to do this. I think that is what most are upset about. People that own land and are familiar with their deer herd can make informed decisions. Unfortunately, that is a small percentage of hunters. That means the rest rely on the DNR to give accurate information.


think of it this way.

10 deer.

5 are does and average twins = 15

3 are fawns and have 1 between them = 4

2 are bucks = 2

10 deer turn into 21 with max recruitment (easy winter). i don't care what the state population is or anybody says it is.

You do know your original number is 19 correct?? Then you have to figure.

3 will be eaten by wolves

1 will be killed by a bear

1 will die from natural causes

1 will be hit by a car

1 will be poached

So I think 10 maybe turns into 12 next year.


I wonder how many of the people complaining of low deer numbers took advantage of bonus and intensive harvest permits in the past?my guess would be nearly everyone..

It would also be interesting to see how many people complaining of low deer numbers were in the Fill the freezer with does and let the little bucks walk crowd.

Two of the most vocal members of this site when it comes to deer population were in this crowd not even 10 months ago. Interesting how fast a person can change their cause, isn't it?


You do know your original number is 19 correct?? Then you have to figure.

3 will be eaten by wolves

1 will be killed by a bear

1 will die from natural causes

1 will be hit by a car

1 will be poached

So I think 10 maybe turns into 12 next year.

i don't have wolves so i don't factor them. no bear either.

5 + 3 + 2 = 10.


Twin fawns around here have been rare the last few years. Last I checked the recruitment rate the DNR states is 1.9, that's not going into season...that's at fawn drop. Consider fawn mortality before season starts and you're a lot closer to 1 than 2. I have not had any doe fawns drop fawns the following year the last several years either, so throw that number out.

Your 21 becomes a lot closer to my 15

and the last couple winters weren't easy, were they?

and the dnr number i'm sure is an average.

i'm talking easy winter, which would probably be above average, right?

that's why i said a tough winter could cause population to actually drop instead of increase at all.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • SkunkedAgain
      Those are some nice lakers. Admittedly, I just hit BWCA lakes in the spring when they come up shallow - so I cheat!   I fished LOW two weeks ago and caught a good sized pike on an airplane jig. It swam around and collected one of my buddy's lines and then slipped the hook on the hole's edge as well. The fish that get away are always the ones to remember.
    • smurfy
      Highbanks just posted thos on book of faces.  Said there access is closed for the season. 
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the South Shore...  Ice fishing remains strong on Lake of the Woods, with resorts and outfitters continuing to offer both day houses and sleeper fish houses. The bite has been good in most areas, and ice conditions are among the best in recent years.    Some ice roads now extend more than 20 miles out, with resorts and outfitters working hard keeping anglers on schools of walleyes and saugers. With nearly 40 inches of ice in many areas, auger extensions are necessary for those fishing on their own. The March forecast predicts daytime temperatures above freezing and overnight lows below freezing, helping to maintain solid ice conditions through the month.  Resort guides and outfitters are on the ice daily monitoring conditions where they travel and fish. Anglers are sorting through smaller fish but are consistently catching limits of walleyes and saugers, along with jumbo perch, eelpout, pike, tullibees, and even a few crappies. The one-two punch of jigging and deadsticking remains the most effective technique. Jigging spoons with rattles, lipless crankbaits, and jigging rap-style lures are producing well, while deadsticks with a live minnow a foot off the bottom are catching less aggressive fish. March is prime time for trophy northern pike, with tip-up fishing proving to be highly productive. It was a great week for big pike and should only get better through March and into April. On the Rainy River...  As it has been most of the winter, walleye fishing has been best in the mornings and evenings using jigs and minnows. Sturgeon fishing has been solid, with some large fish being caught. Anglers should check with resorts before heading out, as ice conditions on the river can change quickly due to current and runoff during the day. Up at the Northwest Angle...  Fishing remains very good. Resorts continue to move fish houses to keep guests on active schools of walleyes, saugers, perch, and pike. Big crappies are still being caught just over the border in Canada, and those interested should check with resorts for the latest conditions and guide services. Lake of the Woods being border water with Canada has an extended ice fishing season, with fish houses allowed on the ice through March 31st.  In addition, the walleye and sauger season is open through April 14th. Pike fishing never closes, and perch and crappie remain open year-round as well. Whether booking a day house rental, sleeper fish house, or resort stay, there is still plenty of time to plan a late-season ice fishing adventure. 
    • JerkinLips
      Van Vac can be a tough hill to travel on.  I parked in the upper parking lot in 2014 and went out fishing in a snow storm.  I think we got about 10 inches of snow that day and they didn't plow at all.  There was no way my front wheel drive caravan was going to make it up the upper hill so I spent the night in my van.  I had prepared for that possibility so I was quite comfortable in the 0ºF night (just started the van up once during the night to heat it up.  I went out fishing again the next day and when I came back they still hadn't plowed the road to the parking lot (late March).  So I towed my snowmobile trailer to the top of the hill with my snowmobile.  Then I made a circular path in the parking lot so I could build up my van speed to go up the hill.  I think it was about 15 attempts to go up the hill before I finally made it to the top.  What an experience.
    • JerkinLips
      Burntside Lake is a beautiful lake and very convenient to get to.  I started fishing it in 2010 when it got to difficult for me to travel into the BWCA while I lived in the twin cities.  I averaged 1 laker/day up to 2018 when my success started to decline.  That was also when I quit going out on snowmobile and just walked to fishing spots.  That probably also contributed to my decline.  My average the last 3 years has been 0.4 lakers/day.  Now that I live in northern Minnesota I think I will travel into the BWCA more for lakers.   My longest Burntside laker was the skinny 33 incher shown in the 1st picture (2020).  This fish weighed only 7#-15oz, and I think it was at the end of its life.  My biggest BWCA laker was 34 inches and weighed 13#-3oz (2nd picture from 2008).  I also caught an 11 pounder in the BWCA in 1999 (3rd picture).   My goal is to someday catch a 20 pounder.  I had one up to the bottom of the hole once that I think was over 20 pounds.  I was jigging a large airplane jig near the bottom when I thought I snagged the rocks.  When I was able to finally move the fish I knew I had a huge one.  I saw its head at the bottom of my 7-inch hole and had a hard time getting it started into the hole.  I reached for the gaff hook but the jig caught on the bottom of the hole and the fish was gone.  Ever since then, I chisel the bottom of my holes to guide the laker's head into the hole.  
    • Wanderer
      Quite a bit a matter of convenience but it was pretty good in the late 2000’s; early 2010’s for me.   It’s fully outside of the B-dub, and expansive, so plenty of places to try.  But never go out there with expectations beyond spending time on one of the most beautiful lakes the state has to offer.   You should count yourself blessed to get 1 trout iced but 5 trout days can happen.  Biggest I’ve gotten out of there is 32 inches.  Average had been 24-27.
    • mbeyer
      Is Burntside "the Laker" spot to fish in the area? Is that a matter of convenience or is Lake Trout populations far better there than any other lake??
    • Wanderer
      It’s been all of 7 years since I’ve fished Burntside.  The last time I also brought my wheelhouse up and headed out of Van Vac.  That was a scary ride down the hill at 11pm when I showed up.  The switchback access road was iced up and the weight got me sliding like I was on a luge.  I intentionally put my rig into the snowbank before I got to the 2nd turn.  It was enough to slow me down that I could make that corner.  I left the lake out of Camp Van Vac and that wasn’t easy either with the double layer of ice.   The lake ice conditions you described are too familiar to me for this time of year.  I’ve  had a wheelhouse out there twice in my years of fishing it, otherwise it’s been sled or wheeler travel only - which is a way better idea!   Reports have been so quiet from there, I’ve wondered if the fishing got tougher or if it’s just the shift in social media that’s the reason.   March trips for me have always had that great expectation but honestly, most March trips for lakers have been a bust.  I’ve been in Canada the past 3 years at this time and only 1/3 were good laker trips.  No trip this year and I’m OK with that.   All this to say, I still miss ice fishing that lake!  I was looking over some of my old spots on my mapping app and thought how nice it would’ve been to have that back in the glory days!     Good luck and thanks for posting!   *6 years, 11 mos, based on a phone pic. * 😉 
    • JerkinLips
      This may end up be a quiet topic, but I thought I would share my results (and lack there of) because of my love for late winter lake trout fishing.  Went to Burntside Lake on Thursday, February 27th for my first time there this winter, and like my last 3 trips there last year I was skunked.   It was a very windy day so I fished in a spot next to a cliff to avoid the wind.  I found 4" of hard pack snow on top of 3" of water over 20+" of ice.  I was able to avoid the water (most of the time) by sitting in my sled portable and walking around very carefully.  I had no bites in 10+ hours fishing and only 3 "follows" of my pike suckers and jig.  Was still a very enjoyable day on the ice.  I saw a few other people out fishing, and was surprised to see that somebody had plowed a huge road out from Van Vac landing and plowed spots for wheelhouses.  Currently there were 8 of them on the ice.   My success on Burntside has definitely diminished in the last few years.  Guess I need to get to "10,000 jigs" to catch another.  Or maybe I will take the tough trip into the BWCA to enjoy the wilderness.
    • smurfy
      🤣🤣 i prefer fish that has flavor......... but thats a pretty funny one right there!!!!!!!!👍
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