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Reverend Al and Ben Crump getting air time again.


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You tell me how a 6'4" guy can get a bullet hole ON TOP of his head from a much shorter cop shooting on the level if he wasnt already going down and the threat already stopped.

Ever watch football? There are a lot of 6'4" 250 pound guys coming at each other head down taking each other out!

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By the way, where were all these great law enforcement officers, who are there to "PROTECT AND SERVE', when property was being burned and looted?

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If this needs to be explained in regards to my comment about Obama and his kin, I am truly sick and tired of him defending what they do. I truly believe Obama sent Holder to Ferguson to show he was all for making sure the law did the correct thing with the Brown kid. I might assume that most states do follow the law of the land.

Yes, it is too bad this had to end this way but does the Pres send out Holder when a white person gets shot to make sure every law is covered? have not heard of that yet.

Mr Obama did the same thing with Travon Martin not long ago.

Have not noticed Obama on the tube when any white person was in trouble trying to tell others to settle down.

Jay Kolls, is that you?

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Found the audio. About 10 seconds from shots 3-12. There are 6 very rapid shots. All totally understandable if he was charging. Then a pause of about 3-4 secs, then four more shots averaging about a second apart. Last two fairly close together.

He could have been told to walk towards the cop and started doing so and in return he gets shot for listening. And then the second set of shots is just him being disoriented from being shot in the face and the neck. It should have went to trial so lawyers could have brought up different scenarios to the witnesses and jurors. full-40170-51550-ferguson_autopsy_by_dr_

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Found the audio. About 10 seconds from shots 3-12. There are 6 very rapid shots. All totally understandable if he was charging. Then a pause of about 3-4 secs, then four more shots averaging about a second apart. Last two fairly close together.

He could have been told to walk towards the cop and started doing so and in return he gets shot for listening. And then the second set of shots is just him being disoriented from being shot in the face and the neck. It should have went to trial so lawyers could have brought up different scenarios to the witnesses and jurors. full-40170-51550-ferguson_autopsy_by_dr_

If he was charging to tackle him is arms also would have been in a position where the bullets could have entered in the same manner. Eye witnesses supported that theory.

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I guess I have to go through the WHOLE story for some of you simple-mind dolts. I completely get that he WAS NOT shot in the back.

I understand that there was a struggle for the gun inside the car. Gun goes off twice, big Mike shot in the finger or something. Big Mike starts to run away and copper gets out of vehicle and yells at him. Big Mike turns around and stops. Hands in the air copper yelling at him. Now I have heard they were up to 150 ft apart and as little as 50-90 ft with blood all over to prove it. Not sure. Copper says more stuff and big Mike comes toward him full of p and vinegar. Copper shoots up to 5 times hitting big Mike and he stops. Then once more he starts to come toward him again and copper shoots 5 more times. The last two being in the chest and then in the forehead.

Ten shots seems to be overkill, especially the shot to the head, and especially leaving him lay in the street half the day.

Byron Smith shot some guy in the dark in HIS basement and kept shooting until the threat from that person was gone, not knowing what was upstairs walking around and he is a murderer. I wont dispute that he murdered the girl.

At the very least the cop should have went to trial.

Ever been a life or death struggle? I haven't but my thinking is that stuff happens pretty quick. Pretty easy to sit back now and pick things apart as to what the LEO could have/should have done. Someone just got done trying to take your gun from you, beat on you some and then comes charging back at you? No one is going to sit back and think hey that last shot should have slowed him down enough that he won't make it to me and try finish what he started in the squad car. And the last one towards the top of the head, ever see someone (like maybe a running back or linebacker) lower their head when the charge?

I don't always agree with how LEOs do things but this seems to be pretty straight up him doing his job as he should.

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By the way, where were all these great law enforcement officers, who are there to "PROTECT AND SERVE', when property was being burned and looted?

I wondered the same thing as they talked about all the LE, FBI and Nat Gaurd people there. I guess they pretty much sat back and let it go as it did to not upset the rioters.

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I guess I have to go through the WHOLE story for some of you simple-mind dolts.

If this kid had NOT been involved in a crime NONE of this would even be an issue.....just saying

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I guess I have to go through the WHOLE story for some of you simple-mind dolts. I completely get that he WAS NOT shot in the back.

I understand that there was a struggle for the gun inside the car. Gun goes off twice, big Mike shot in the finger or something. Big Mike starts to run away and copper gets out of vehicle and yells at him. Big Mike turns around and stops. Hands in the air copper yelling at him. Now I have heard they were up to 150 ft apart and as little as 50-90 ft with blood all over to prove it. Not sure. Copper says more stuff and big Mike comes toward him full of p and vinegar. Copper shoots up to 5 times hitting big Mike and he stops. Then once more he starts to come toward him again and copper shoots 5 more times. The last two being in the chest and then in the forehead.

Ten shots seems to be overkill, especially the shot to the head, and especially leaving him lay in the street half the day.

Byron Smith shot some guy in the dark in HIS basement and kept shooting until the threat from that person was gone, not knowing what was upstairs walking around and he is a murderer. I wont dispute that he murdered the girl.

At the very least the cop should have went to trial.

Leaving him lay in the street was because it was a crime scene and the techs and the medical examiner had to finish before the body could be covered or moved. The officer had nothing to do with that, he wasn't there.

He shot the guy, and stopped shooting. The guy got up and kept coming, until the final shot or two killed him.

Totally different case than the little falls incident which seems to be somehow related to your view of this case. This is more like the Trayvon Martin case.

How close do you think he should have let the charging assailant get before shooting? Did the charging guy reach under his shirt toward the waist of his pants? Some witnesses and the officer said he did.

Sounds to me like a guy who got really angry and thought he was really tough and that he was unarmed so the cop wouldn't shoot him.

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I wondered the same thing as they talked about all the LE, FBI and Nat Gaurd people there. I guess they pretty much sat back and let it go as it did to not upset the rioters.

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While I dont excuse the rioters I have to side with some of the legitimate concerns. Even with this guy being a scumbag and reaching for the gun, etc and then running away. Then the copper gets out and shoots 10 more times??? Surely someone as well trained as a police officer could have shot this guy in the leg or something and totally stopped him. It was overboard to blow his head off, and then they let the guy lay there in the street for 4 hours+ while they investigate?? Cmon, nobody there have any common sense?? The copper was pi$$3d cause he got his @$$ kicked plain and simple.

When Byron Smith did the same thing to Nick Brady in his Little Falls basement it was 1st degree murder. They both kept shooting until the threat was gone. One is a murderer, the other a hero both shooting at someone committing a felony.

You need to lay off the cop shows. You don't shoot people in the legs in the real world and people don't drop to the ground with one bullet in them either.

What Byron Smith did was fine until he walked up to an incapacitated subject and gave them the "clean finishing shot". I don't see evidence of that being the case here.

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It should have went to trial so lawyers could have brought up different scenarios to the witnesses and jurors.

I thought this is how the process works. Grand Jury sees the evidence and decides whether or not to proceed with an indictment. If so, then it can go to a jury. You want to re-write the rules?

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Ou r correct Del, no one could move the body until the ME and all the people there finish the investigation. Sure another could have covered the body but them you could have contaminated the crime scene if the blanket had any DNA or anything else on it.

By law, the body has to remain there until everything is done, no fault of any police, they were simply doing there job.

I just saw an interview on TV on CNN with Anderson Cooper, He was interviewing the owners of Cathy's café next to the police station. Last night some rioters were blocking the way so the other rioters could not damage the business. The owners of this business, who are black told Anderson that these rioters are good people. I would have asked, if they are so good, why did they burn cars and destroy white people's property? I guess they are good as long as they do not hurt blacks, whites are ok to do whatever too.

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That's how I thought our system worked also Big Dave, guess everyone is wrong on this.

Buck, if the kid would not have done what he did, was not influenced by drugs he was on and would have not charged the officer, I would venture to say, he would still be here today.

No need to re-tell your story, wont change what really went down.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

So as usual the news stations MSNBC especially has rounded up all the black leaders, professors and Rev's they could find and everyone of them say the same thing about what the cops need to do!

Cam's on cops.

More sensitivity and racial training.

More community needs awareness

etc, etc.

Not one of them, not one brought up what they can do as leaders to help educate or help their own youths or communities to work with the cops or take any responsibilities for their own actions! smirk

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So as usual the news stations MSNBC especially has rounded up all the black leaders, professors and Rev's they could find and everyone of them say the same thing about what the cops need to do!

Cam's on cops.

More sensitivity and racial training.

More community needs awareness

etc, etc.

Not one of them, not one brought up what they can do as leaders to help educate or help their own youths or communities to work with the cops or take any responsibilities for their own actions! smirk

They don't want to be responsible for teaching their kids right from wrong.

Sadly I read that after I posted it and realized that is way too much of a blanket statement.

Should read there are those that don't want the responsibility of teaching their kids right from wrong.

Those at the forefront should be doing a better job of being leaders.

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So as usual the news stations MSNBC especially has rounded up all the black leaders, professors and Rev's they could find and everyone of them say the same thing about what the cops need to do!

Cam's on cops.

More sensitivity and racial training.

More community needs awareness

etc, etc.

Not one of them, not one brought up what they can do as leaders to help educate or help their own youths or communities to work with the cops or take any responsibilities for their own actions! smirk

NO need to educate theirs as they believe they have done no wrong, just listen to them talk.

I had to laugh, last night they said it is too bad all the out of towners will come to town and instigate trouble. I hear today, of the 61 arrested last night, almost all of the arrested were locals.

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They don't want to be responsible for teaching their kids right from wrong.

That's Al Sharpton's job.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

They don't want to be responsible for teaching their kids right from wrong.

Well the lib's don't want the Schools to do it and sure as Helll don't want the Church's to do it and the parents aren't so it's up to people like Al & Ben or the streets! And we can see how well this is all working out! whistle

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I just saw an interview on TV on CNN with Anderson Cooper, He was interviewing the owners of Cathy's café next to the police station. Last night some rioters were blocking the way so the other rioters could not damage the business. The owners of this business, who are black told Anderson that these rioters are good people. I would have asked, if they are so good, why did they burn cars and destroy white people's property? I guess they are good as long as they do not hurt blacks, whites are ok to do whatever too.

It sounds like the rioters that the "good" rioters were protecting the business from were the ones who went and destroy stuff... based on your own comment there...

I mean, you said they were black business owners...

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Somehow I can imagine Martin Luther King rolling over in his grave to see how some what he worked so hard for turned out.

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They definitely don't always go down on the first shot. The video below is a very good example of what adrenaline does to a person when they go off the deep end.

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If Obama thinks of going to Ferguson, he should hope there is a town left after his brothers get done doing what they do best. What a bunch of losers to say the least. R u proud of your kin Obama???

For a large portion of non-urban, white Americans who don't have daily or frequent contact with the African American community as a whole; who for the most part are probably "race neutral" in their attitudes - watching this stuff unfold in the media how does the coffee shop crowd not come to a conclusion like this?

On the other side of the coin the same can be said for the generational entitlement society that we've created by destroying the family structure and replacing it with a handout at every turn. You're ingrained with the idea that only the govt is taking care of you and there's an evil white racist cop hiding around every corner waiting to shoot your children...

They've orchestrated/race-baited these events perfectly with the goal of further polarizing the American population in regards to race relations in this country. If we as a people are too busy getting worked up on either side of a story like this all it does is distract us all from the real issues at hand in this country.

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They definitely don't always go down on the first shot. The video below is a very good example of what adrenaline does to a person when they go off the deep end.

Yeah the "shoot him in the leg" to immobilize would have worked well eh?

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It should have went to trial so lawyers could have brought up different scenarios to the witnesses and jurors.

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If he was 50+ feet away, hitting someone with accuracy that is moving, isnt necessary an easy task with a pistol. You aim for the midsection, and keep firing until the perp is on the ground, and isnt a risk anymore. Your not going to shoot once, and then count to 10 Mississippi's to see if he is going to go down, then aim and fire again. You shoot until he is on the ground.

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Ou r correct Del, no one could move the body until the ME and all the people there finish the investigation. Sure another could have covered the body but them you could have contaminated the crime scene if the blanket had any DNA or anything else on it.

You and Del really have no idea. Get a clue. Wtihin 15 minutes they covered his body with a white sheet. Just some random cop with no gloves or anything on walks up and puts the sheet over his body. You can find it on ____tube.

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If he was 50+ feet away, hitting someone with accuracy that is moving, isnt necessary an easy task with a pistol. You aim for the midsection, and keep firing until the perp is on the ground, and isnt a risk anymore. Your not going to shoot once, and then count to 10 Mississippi's to see if he is going to go down, then aim and fire again. You shoot until he is on the ground.

He is 50+ feet away with no weapon when he is killed?? I am asking cause I dont know. Presumably after the altercation at the vehicle he was trying to leave. That means he must have been well beyond the 153'9" from where he died if he "charged" back at him and there was over 9 seconds between the ten shots. So lets say he is 200'+ away when the cop gets out. That is imminent danger to the cop?? If he didnt think he could handle him why did he go running after him??? Why not wait for backup??

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According to the Fed atty's on the tube yesterday Buck, nothing was suppose to be done to the body until the investigation was done. That's what 3 people who I believe have the experience said. They may know more than we do.

Just because some cop put a white sheet over the body does not mean it was suppose to happen, just what the cop did.

Buck, u would have to ask Officer Wilson that as he is the only one of all of us that was there and could explain what he really feared. We cannot do the job he could.

I see Holder overriding this Grand Jury verdict and having his people re try it all. Just my guess.

This entire ordeal is far from over, we will have to wait and see now what Holder and company do as far as new charges.

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It sounds like the rioters that the "good" rioters were protecting the business from were the ones who went and destroy stuff... based on your own comment there...

I mean, you said they were black business owners...

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