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Reverend Al and Ben Crump getting air time again.


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Any one else watching the riveting(not) stupidity? 100 protesters..... 200 reporters. Should duct tape Al and Ben on a Jefferson Line to somewhere, stick a puppy in in a well somewhere for the media, line up some babies to kiss or corn dogs to eat for the politicians, and run a twofer in a game store that has not been looted or burned down yet for the protesters. Problem solved.......

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With all the animosity already in Ferguson, CNN and MSNBC decided it would be a great new story to report in front of the officer who was involved in the shootings home. Going as far as giving the address and street.

WTH were they trying to do, get someone else killed.

What purpose did that service other than put other people's life in danger.

As I said above, seems some of the media will do what ever is needed to flame the fire.

Despicable doesn't begin to describe it. crazy

Anything for ratings.....


Nice....put someone's life in peril to create more headline news. Real nice. My disdain for news people is growing all the time.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

With all the animosity already in Ferguson, CNN and MSNBC decided it would be a great new story to report in front of the officer who was involved in the shootings home. Going as far as giving the address and street.

WTH were they trying to do, get someone else killed.

What purpose did that service other than put other people's life in danger.

As I said above, seems some of the media will do what ever is needed to flame the fire.

Despicable doesn't begin to describe it. crazy

Anything for ratings.....


I know you're bein sarcastic but honestly it's a good idea to do this. The PD needs to be transparent in this process. They were going to release the name tuesday but didn't.

Anonymous released two incorrect names yesterday, so probably good to get the real name out there anyway to prevent more of that kinda thing.


So they can shoot the right people!whistle

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My disdain for news people is growing all the time.

Judging by CNN and MSNBC's ratings, you're not alone

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

They look like ear plugs.




Duff, if you looked at the picture of the rubber bullets in question. You would see that you are trying to load the wrong caliber! You need to buy the ones with the flair on the back end to work in your gun! Shheees! crazy


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They will probably be seeing more and more of those "rubber bullets" in the next few nights. They showed the troops using a LRAD last night. I think there may be a run on ear plugs in Ferguson today.

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I read an article this am that said the officer will not have to prove his innocence as there is not enough evidence against him from the investigation to date. No wrongful death shooting, not saying the family won't sue though. I am sure they will. The gang of 3 will make sure of that.

That otta send them rioting soon.

Sure Obama will also get into the action soon.

Maybe Al, Jesse and Obummer can all march together as Obummer is really not that busy with everything going so well for him.

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I'm sure if he hadn't taken a computer and stabbed the Marine, the fall of the curb may not have been so severe.

He might have been able to see it (the Curb) coming or maybe avoid it all together whistle

BTW: I'm sure that's the "Eye Witnesses" saw. And we all know how reliable they are. eek


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All from the darn curb. Makes me question to step off near the marines curb might be. least got a computer to the mission the marries were working on.

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There was an interview with the Brown's family attorney, when ask what he wants from the Grand Jury, he was quoted as saying "if he is not indicted, all He!! will break loose"

This is far far from over.


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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

Here's a chuckle for the night.....


Police report... winkwink

I always love a good "Justice is served" story! grin

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Amazingly enough it is a true (mostly) story, only the injury part and the "he fell of the curb" part is made up. He had enough record and using a knife added up to life in stir.

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From Eric Holder bringing to bear the full weight of the justice department, to the New Black Panther Leader who was given air time on CNN a day or two after leading a chant calling for the death of officer Wilson, to the democratic governor Nixon, who in his public address pandered to the protester's demands that there be "justice" involving, as Mike pointed out in the statement by the Brown family attorney, an indictment of the officer. Is Holder going to meet with officer's family? Or will he make an extensive public statement about how the rush to judgement in this case by the likes of Sharpton, Crump and others has the potential to negate Darin Wilson's rights under the law?

What about so called leaders coming out and asking members of diverse communities to take responsibility for themselves rather than blaming the police, the economy, lack of opportunity, racism? Do these modern day social justice advocates ever acknowledge that minorities have the ability and many opportunities to succeed now, as many have done in this era of a black president no less. Democrats seem to often play the race card in order to secure demographics for their next election cycle rather than putting the good of the country first. I have concluded that many Liberals are blinded to the implicit racism of low expectations and thus unwittingly promote ideas and agendas that further inhibit people from moving out of poverty.

Ironically all the race agitators, social justice proponents, liberal press and media who were complicit in not vetting o, and this self appointed "civil rights administration" are setting us back, within just a few short years, to a level of decay in the inner cities and in our national race relations that could not have been imagined just six years ago.

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Posted by a Missouri police officer. Now they're calling the officer racist even though the post says nothing about race. full-46850-48436-26310700_bg1.jpg

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Posted by a Missouri police officer. Now they're calling the officer racist even though the post says nothing about race. full-46850-48436-26310700_bg1.jpg

The use of racism/racist for anything they object to is way too common.

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Posted by a Missouri police officer. Now they're calling the officer racist even though the post says nothing about race. full-46850-48436-26310700_bg1.jpg

Might have something to do with the fact hat pic is not Brown. It was a murder suspect who killed his grandmother in Oregon...Joda Cain was his name.

So, if that cop posted it but didn't know it was not him or did doesn't matter. He should know better.

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Now I see Gov. Nixon is calling for a "vigorous prosecution" of Wilson. How can he call for a vigorous prosecution of someone when we still are not sure of what happened? My guess is they know the narrative of an upstanding citizen surrendering to the police and being shot in the back is falling apart and they're trying to appease a mob. This may end up turning into another Duke Lacrosse/Nifong situation

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Unless he knows something about facts that no one else does I don't see how he can be calling for vigorous prosecution. No one has been indicted.

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Now I see Gov. Nixon is calling for a "vigorous prosecution" of Wilson.

Both the police union, and the African American community are staunch supporters of the democrat party.

Both now find themselves victims of their own creation....


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Both the police union, and the African American community are staunch supporters of the democrat party.

Both now find themselves victims of their own creation....

That's sounds like one of our own silly town pundits, Right flipper. laughlaugh


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One looter who came out of a QuikTrip told The Washington Post that he was proud of what he was doing.

“I’m proud of us. We deserve this, and this is what’s supposed to happen when there’s injustice in your community,” DeAndre Smith told The Post. “St. Louis — not going to take this anymore.”

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • VermilionGold
      Shamrock Landing and Grubens marina have both sold minnows/bait in past years, not sure about current season 
    • SkunkedAgain
      I am not aware of anywhere in the west basin to get minnows. Hopefully I am wrong.
    • chucker1101
      The only place on the East end (unless i'm mistaken and don't know of some semi-secret place) that sells minnows on the lake is the Casino bait shop on Everett Bay. Whether they have rainbows is hit and miss. I'm not including Timbuktu as East side   Getting off-lake, the best value for rainbow for me over the last 10 years has been Lucky 7 in Virginia.
    • knoppers
      was up at the lake all week, water temps 65-66 today, and the crappies are now spawning. did not try for walleyes this week, but got my eye on a couple of lakes.
    • smurfy
      well.........i'll be back up june 10th to the 16th. the 10-11-12th i'll be there by myself!!!!!🤗   i'd even be OK with meeting at a neutral place and go to the lake blindfolded!!!!!!!! 😊🤣   leech...he is over there.........just forgets about us FM  rejects!!!!!!!🤪
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the south end...   Good fishing this week with nice numbers of walleyes and saugers.   A jig and frozen emerald shiner again this week is the go to presentation for walleyes.  Rainbows and fatheads are also working and it is nice to see what the fish want each day.   Various areas across the south shore are holding fish.  Most walleyes and saugers are being caught in 17 - 24' of water.  Anglers are anchoring up and vertical jigging. A quarter ounce jig in gold, glow white, pink, orange, chartreuse, or a combo of these colors tipped with a minnow worked well again.  Pound the bottom, jig it up in the strike zone, hold.  Trying shaking the jig and lifting it off of the bottom.  Any kind of weight will be a fish hanging.  Set the hook! A mixed bag while fishing walleyes include pike, jumbo perch and a few crappies.  On the Rainy River...  Some nice walleyes caught  this week on the river in 10 - 15' of water.  Typical spots such as holes, current breaks, weed edges and rocky areas all can hold fish.  There are 42 miles of navigable waters from the mouth of the river all the way to Birchdale.    Sturgeon fishing on the Rainy River is closed until the keep season starts up again July 1st.   The river holds good numbers of smallmouth bass for those interested in bronzebacks.  A lot of bass are caught by unsuspecting walleye anglers. Up at the NW Angle...  A great week of fishing.  As typical with guests staying at the Angle, some fish MN waters, some slide over into Ontario waters.  Both areas are producing.     Points, neck down areas and bays with warming water have been holding walleyes.  With warming waters, fish are in transition and there are lots of fish.   The goto presentation is a jig and minnow.  Gold, glow white, pink and orange are good colors.  
    • Kettle
      I don't fish any secret lakes. I research the lakes on the DNR website with good walleye numbers. I spent a lot of time learning side imaging. I'll scan for an hour or two if need be to find the fish. Nothing crazy for techniques. Either pitching a jig or back trolling with lindy rigs. If either of you two ever want to go let me know 
    • leech~~
      Smurfy, you know where that Kettle guy fishes?  Might have to sneak over there! 🤫
    • smurfy
      nice fish bud!!!!!!!!👍 i was up last week and we had over 2 inches of rain.........but really helped the lakes!!!!!!!!!!
    • Kettle
      So much rain these past few weeks. I only seem to get days off post cold front. Made the most of it recently. Water Temps still in the 50s. Not sure the crappies have even spawned, definitely not the bluegills. Walleye still really shallow   
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